• 22 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2024


  • No, let me rephrase it again, so maybe it’s clearer what I want to know from you:

    Let’s say for arguments sake, the EU is the perfect government with perfect representation of everyone and perfect economic system to distribute to everyone’s need. So the the gay space communist utopia spoken of in ye olde memes of yore.

    But they don’t have every necessary resource on earth and need to trade with other countries, who are not yet as advanced as they are.

    Now one of those countries puts tariffs on the EU for bullshit reasons.

    How should this theoretical perfect EU react to those tariffs in your opinion?

    And just to be clear, I’m not happy with the current way of the EU at all, there is much change needed, but that is besides the point of my argument.

  • I mostly disregarded the gameplay (aka grading of pictures) and just considered it an exploration game: find the locations and also the environmental storytelling bits. And I highly enjoyed it for that.

    I sadly was spoiled regarding the story, so I didn’t have that “wait, what exactly is happening here?” Moment. But nonetheless, the atmosphere really fits its name and considering how the real life is going, I sadly predict it’s going to be more and more relevant. But same as you, the last level hit me hard. I consider it good game design, that the game really trained you well, so I immediately understood what I needed to do to end the game. And it kinda felt natural, because it is the only thing left to do at that moment.

  • Kann gerade das Video nicht gucken, daher keine Ahnung ob sie es darin erwähnen: von dem was ich gehört habe, haben sie bei der Berechnung der Statik den Wellengang unterschätzt und der ist durch den Wind jetzt doch in manchen Momenten höher als gedacht. Dadurch sind dann auch die auf die Gerüste wirkenden Kräfte wesentlich größer als vorgesehen.

    Aber ist natürlich leider ein gefundenes Fressen für die Gegner regenerativer Energien. Und das nur weil die Sicherheiten bei den Gerüsten zu klein gewählt wurden.