The number drops a bit when the polls are done in secrecy. Still far higher than any western government, mind.
My Dearest Sinophobes:
Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.
Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李
The number drops a bit when the polls are done in secrecy. Still far higher than any western government, mind.
To clarify for any pseudo intellectual who happens to be reading:
“<X> is true for <reason> you utter idiot” is not an example of the ad hominem fallacy.
“<X> is true because you’re an utter idiot” is an example of the ad hominem fallacy.
Glad to be of service.
Have you considered taking a communications course so you don’t sound like a pretentious, obfuscating jackass?
Eschew gratuitous obfuscation. (See what I mean?)
In AI alone, we lead the world.
*Deep Seek has entered the chat.*
I think even darker (as the response to @Glide@lemmy.ca indicates). When I see incel behaviour from a man, I make damned sure that man is always in my sight and at a distance. And I won’t accept any drink from him, nor any invitation to go somewhere else, even if it’s in the same building.
Well yes. It’s about sex and specifically forcing sex.
They’re wannabe rapists, in effect.
There is absolutely a cure for incels, yes, but nobody in the west would like it. So you’re kind of stuck with them.
The prostitution thing won’t work, though. I actually got fed up with a loud incel peripheral to a social circle I was part of and snapped, offering to hire him a hooker right then and there so he could STFU about how he’d never been laid.
Immediately he moved the goalposts and said he didn’t just want to get laid, he wanted a “genuine emotional relationship”. Saying this despite for the previous two hours only ever talking about sex, sex appeal, sexual characteristics, etc. with not a word spent on “genuine emotion”.
Some people just want to whine, and when they gather in groups they spiral destructively.
They’re going to have to go to China to get the seals for those.
I mean it took a Chinese maker to get seals for one of the few remaining living people who needs an iron lung: https://www.wired.com/story/iron-lung-maker-community/
The links left me more confused, not less.
Huh. TIL that Proudhon was a Marxist.
/s ← In case it wasn’t abundantly clear.
Don’t confuse anarcho-capitalism with anarchism. The former are disguised fascists. The latter are not.
Obligatory Link: Property Is Theft
Technically speaking you’d have to say they did war crimes by modern standards.
A lot of what you describe wasn’t actually criminal at the time, see. It was called “war”.
Doesn’t make it any less horrific, mind.
I hate you so much right now.
An old saying that Dads are likely to have heard is “an elephant never forgets”. So “I have the memory of an elephant” is saying “I never forget.”
Unless you’re making a Dad joke.
In which case it means “I remember seeing an elephant once”.
You seem nice.
Huh. I live with a power engineer and he’s never bored me to tears with this one!
Methane! I want an old-timey refrigerator that could and would explode!
It’s time to be heading out to the highway, I see.
No! There’s no way, Mister! Mister Smith at the clinic promised me that my inoculations were all up to date!
The CPC has never been communist.
It’s socialist.