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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • DHT und PeX sind alternative Arten nach Peers zu suchen. Man liest davon, dass man sie deaktivieren soll, wenn man “Privatsphäre” will. Private Torrents lassen beide nicht zu. Nachdem ich noch mal etwas gelesen habe, macht es wohl doch Sinn, beides aktiv zu haben.

    Fensterventilatoren haben Interesse an den bekannen Linux Distros, die man sich runterladen kann. Da wird das Geld verdient. Niemanden wird es vermutlich hierzulande interessieren, ob du dir Welpen Linux in der estnischen Sprache herunterlädst. Bei der neusten Staffel … äh, Bogen Linux öhm, rauschen sie nur so.

  • The process of science is not corrupted but deeply flawed. It is like that, because we as a species are as well. Science is the best method we have to create secured knowledge, but it is far from perfect. Things like predatory journals, lazy to non existing peer reviews in established publications, reports about scientists who are under pressure to create positive results even if their research had none of those etc. show us that .

    Capitalism plays a big part in this problem. To plainly reject that is simply naive.

  • Look at it like that: Many people become vegan because they realize that there is no magical difference between humans (or dogs, cats and so on) and the animals who are raised to be slaughtered. We all feel pain, fear and grief. So a society that kills sentient animals and eats or wears parts of their dead bodies is not too different then one which does that with their fellow humans. How angry would you be to live in such a horrible society?

    The only reason to not being angry all the time is, that I needed more than 30 years to realize those things myself. How we are handling most animals, how we are torturing and killing them is normalized. It is really hard to get from “steak yummy” to a vegan world view. How can I expect that other people change their ways just like that?

    It is still fucking sad and I totally get, why some vegans are so angry. Live and let live is the most cynical shit one could say in this situation.