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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • If you don’t see a problem with:

    30-50% of the south being on food stamps and 40% of the south being obese, idk what to tell you man that’s just maths.

    There is a large percentage of people on food stamps who are healthy, able bodied adults who actively choose to not work and or abuse the safety net. & those people still end up making enough to be obese making those decisions while making the system bogged down to the point where some actually disabled people, with their legs blown off or who cannot process information on the same level because they are mentally deficit, cannot get their disability or someone to take care of them.

    Obesity is not a disability. It’s either a symptom or a decision.

  • View: “if you aren’t actively gaming the system” in my post.

    People here intentionally adopt or have children, stay with their spouse for 20+ years while never married, all with the intention of getting multi-thousand dollar tax returns and keeping EBT. The wife doesn’t need to work, her husband makes enough to support them. So she has three or more children. Then she’s a single mother with no income, as far as the state is concerned, so she gets EBT/Medical Cards, etc.

    I know individuals who make between 50k-80k who draw between 700-1300 in food stamps a month because of these arrangements. It’s everywhere.

  • Definitely not defending Oliver Anthony because aside from this song, don’t know donkey about him but take this for what it’s worth as a die hard libertarian in the rural south who has also lived in urban areas.

    I get how the song is appealing to actual working class people in the south. “Your dollar ain’t shit,” “overtime hours for bullshit pay,” applies to a lot of living conditions here. Employers want college degrees in these areas for $12-15 an hour. Normal people that haven’t went to trade school or college because they can’t afford it, got pregnant, had to help with bills, etc. have very slim chances of getting one.

    There are legitimately people in this area who have always been on top, that now are making 80k+ per year, who still draw food stamps and have medical cards. So yeah, if you’re a normal Joe trying to be honest, it sucks dick. Because you spend 60+ hours of your week preparing to/teaching kids who are taught from birth that school is stupid and will never do anything for them, get paid $30k a year, as a good job, and your take home is less than 2000 a month. Houses start at 200k, milk is $5 a gal, gas $3.50, groceries are at an all time high because of profit margins, I get why it resonates with working class people here. If you aren’t actively gaming the system (the Welfare hating as critics of the song are calling it) the way 40% of the area does, you’re shit out of luck.

    Again, don’t know anything about the dude, but know a lot about the rural south, and they’re underpaid, overworked, and the biggest victims of the government in this country because the government actively keeps a majority of them in learned helplessness and the remainder can’t get ahead because with everyone having a medical card or EBT, jobs assume they don’t have to pay shit.

  • Its not your age, it’s the games you’re playing. There’s a ton of great games out right now, but if you’re playing the same kinds of games you’ve always played, maybe you’ve outgrown them. You could be frustrated with their mechanics, or think their progression isn’t as good as the old games, maybe you cant see as well or grind as hard as these twelve year olds on adderall, whatever it may be.

    Try playing games you enjoyed before. You’ll probably still like them. Branch out into different genres, even if it’s something you don’t know if you’ll like or not. I don’t care for top down games, but gave Hades a try and absolutely loved it. Maybe try to play remakes/remasters/new takes on old games. The REmakes for Resident Evil (particularly 2&4, I liked 3 but it gets a lot of deserved hate), and even the continuation of the RE franchise in Biohazard and Village are fun and scary. Just some recommendations. :)

  • Pirating a small company/org feels weird to me.

    Like yeah, sure, LTT makes (at the bare minimum, the actual # is more this is just extrapolated from their lowest sub cost) like 1.5mil/yr from Floatplane (gross, ofc, not net). That’s a pretty modest amount for their team to include profits/salaries/hosting/etc.

    Linus Sebastian, the individual, is a millionaire. That isn’t money that is being used to make my quality of life/other services worse, though. I don’t care enough about the exclusives to actually watch them, but if I did I’d fork out $3-5 every few months to catch up on the ones I wanted to see.

    Big tech? Raise ye flags. Normal people making a living off of big tech? Feels weird to me. Not saying not to hurt their bottom line, just that doing it through a platform that (at their scale) isn’t making a ludicrous amount of profit and isn’t actively damaging your access to your services, feels weird to me.

    Just pirate YouTube. It will give you the same content for free, and you’ll be stealing features Google thinks you should be paying for, like background playback, video quality, a down vote count, the ability to download videos for later, etc.

  • Just curious, what were you doing with Firefox to pull anywhere near that much RAM? Right now I’ve got a few tabs open along with Steam/Discord/Spotify/a few terminal windows/Helvum and I’m not using 3gb for the entire system according to htop. Just curious how many tabs you have open to pull 32GB from Firefox.