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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You have to remember a lot of the people posting that bs likely aren’t Americans and either have an anti western agenda or are being paid to post divisive shit. It’s annoying because Lemmy is such a small community that these accounts appear wayyyyy more than they really should, so it gives the impression that there’s loads of them, but really they are a minority. Chances are they also have a bunch of smurf accounts so it could literally just be one room of guys posting mountains of bullshit every day.

  • I get what you’re saying but I don’t think the “manager telling someone not to quit” is correct as an analogy. We’re all here because we wanted to be a part of a different community than reddit. That to me is the fixed interest. We want to build an online space that we all enjoy being part of.

    To build that space us early adopters who have an interest in seeing it succeed unfortunately need to bear the brunt of the painful startup process. Any small online community formed by people leaving a previous space (that doesn’t have central control) will initially have a large number of assholes. The amount of “I’ve been banned from reddit X times” comments is way too high. Those people will eventually be drowned out by a larger population of nice people if the nice people stick around. Only by trying to build the space we want to see will it get built.

    It’s either that or we all ditch federated spaces and go back to reddit. Leaving the tankies and other toxic people to Lemmy.

  • Because the community on Lemmy is so much smaller it’s a lot easier for small groups of dedicated posters to dominate discussions on certain topics.

    I’ve noticed a lot of the same behaviour as you have on certain topics. Unfortunately it’s difficult because like you say engaging on those topics is frustrating because the people with an agenda have more time and energy than you to dedicate to pushing their narrative, and aren’t open to more nuanced discussion.

    There’s an interesting blog I think about regularly about online communities that I think you might find interesting: https://eev.ee/blog/2016/07/22/on-a-technicality/

    Now that article calls for banning of assholes. I don’t think that’ll work on lemmy, so instead I propose this: If you just accept that those people are going to continue to do their thing and instead engage in the more positive parts of Lemmy then overall we might be able to build a bigger community of people who add positively to Lemmy. If you or others who are being pushed away leave then the asshole : positive people ratio will only get worse.

  • I agree that limiting the amount you can have personally makes sense. 50g is just way too little I think. A very normal sized plant in a standard pot will easily produce significantly more than 50g of bud.

    There definitely needs to be a limit. Not letting people have more than a kg for example 100% makes sense. Letting people grow their own is a fantastic way to cut out the black market. But we need to make sure that people who are growing their own don’t need to fret so much about staying under a very low gram limit. If people like me are worried about accidentally letting the plant grow so it produces 51g of dried material then I’m less likely to do it myself and will acquire it another way.

    If the limit is say 200g then you could comfortably grow one plant in a normal sized pot. Harvest it. And be under the limit without stress, and not need to buy any for a whole year until you grow more the next year. No need to buy from a black market then.

  • It’s still a bit concerning that we don’t have clear guidelines on how growing and harvesting these plants will be enforced with this very low limit. If someone grows 1 plant and doesn’t smoke the harvest quickly enough they might have say 300g of harvest and they suddenly go from legal while it’s growing to illegal 2 days later. If you’re in a state where they might want to be stricter on growing this could be a real problem.

    Having limits on grams carried in public whilst not part of a cannabis club makes sense to me, but this restriction on quantities at home when you are home growing doesn’t.

  • Something with enough context to write sensible test cases for a large codebase. It would be great if you could write test cases for a couple of domains, then ask it to write cases for a third domain following the same general style as the first. It would ideally have a conversation about what things to mock/stub and what things to keep.

    I personally think 5 years isn’t enough time to get to that point with something that works really well. It’s tricky enough to get a junior up to speed with doing it sensibly, but cutting down on the time it takes to build a good test suite would mean we Devs can spend a lot more time on features and improvements.

  • HDR support is supposedly fixed on kde and should be getting fixed in most other distros soon supposedly.

    Unity worked for me on pop os after some fiddling and installing of dependencies, but it didn’t fully work. There was a bunch of tools (like animation keyframes) which just didn’t display correctly for me though. Checking out the source code of one the util did a check to see whether it was running on windows or Mac, then exited if it wasn’t either of those. Would be good to run it via proton if possible so we get full support without the Devs needing to write tons of code to support a small percentage of users. That experience is pretty common when running Linux as your main, but the other benefits make up for it.

  • Yeah there were multiple times when the allies could have pushed Germany over before they started steamrolling. When they remilitarised the Rhineland, as you said when they occupied the Sudetenland, and even when they invaded Poland.

    France started pushing into Germany once war was first declared and there was basically nothing in front of them. Most of the tanks etc were in Poland. If they had continued pushing then it might have all ended there. Instead they pulled back to the Maginot line and the rest is history.