Twice a day, 12 hours apart. No free feeding (they always end up engorging themselves and throwing up when i make the mistake of leaving it out)
Water is always available and they alert me when it needs to be refilled
Twice a day, 12 hours apart. No free feeding (they always end up engorging themselves and throwing up when i make the mistake of leaving it out)
Water is always available and they alert me when it needs to be refilled
Best thing you can do is set a boundary for yourself that when someone speaks abusively, you gently explain in a downward sloping way that you aren’t able to engage with them like that and that you need to avoid people and contexts like that. Then walk away and leave things till another day when they can have another shot at it or set your affairs up so they aren’t able or allowed to approach you again
Always remember that you cant control their behavior, you can only decide and act on what is for you to follow. If they want to or need to interact with you in subsequent engagements, they will learn to respect that or they wont be able to if you stick by the standards you have set for yourself in how you will engage with people who act abusively.
They have no choice or role here, this is all about your relationship with yourself and what you allow in terms of others conduct towards yourSelf
I actually love when I get the chance to use it, sometimes I get a little too cheeky with it but I try tp really save it for the extraordinarily deserving counterpoint haha
Or pretentiously/condescendingly/dismissively
Unions and striking work
Unions and striking work folks
Asking about now tho, as long as jailed is the first in the order of sequence its cool
I like Mr Garrison’s version better
Whatever it was like before you were born. You return to that, literally nothing to be afraid of
If people love their cats and want to keep them safe, its just not an option. This is not a discussion or debate unfortunately, it really is that simple. Rip kitty :(
This is about unsupervised outside
The response to this, regardless of the person’s station or group identity, needs to be we dont give a fuc, off you go to reeducation (prison). There’s a price for stupidity even if it backfires and you need to pay that price and redeem yourself. Allowing it to fester and spread like a good gentleman is disasterously wrong
Can I ask why he was outside? This common story never gets less sad and sadly never gets less common
How did the car get in your house, you should sue for gross negligence and wrongful death as well as costs to repair the structural damage
I’ll take the downvotes if it helps one person do the opposite
Makes the one whose the same color feel not so alone
Give them the same war chest drug traffickers are given.
Why are they negotiating with terrorists? Jail their asses
Lemmy stop you right there…
Those lyonel from BOTW and TOTK are some real fuckers
Im curious if he’s looked into buprenorphine…
That sounds really sad that metadone is such handcuffs on his life and relationships.