I think what Ukraine needs most is a stable and secure environment. Nobodly wants to invest in an area where there could be war next month.
I think what Ukraine needs most is a stable and secure environment. Nobodly wants to invest in an area where there could be war next month.
There are some relevant european defense contractors. Maybe not in the Top 10 worldwide, but we do have a capable defense industry here.
With some custom hardware, the DS was perfectly capable to show videos, better than many phones at this time.
Dismantle them and build them new inside the bottle probably
Clearly, he prefers turning horses into sausage, which is quite appalling.
Just ask them to tidy up their room. They will be tired and out of energy in less than five minutes.
Ein halbes Gigawatt Leistung für so ein (relativ) kleines “Kraftwerk” ist schon echt stark.
What does Ukraine get from the deal? This sounds very vague
Die Logistik für solche große Rotorblätter ist - wie man sieht - nicht einfach. Kaum zu glauben, dass es überhaupt möglich ist, ein 100m Rotorblatt auf der Straße zu transportieren.
Not only the US might have objections, remember how long it took for Sweden to join NATO due to Erdogan’s veto.
In dieser Koalitionsverhandlung meinte ich… aber ja, du hast natürlich recht.
Yes, every NATO member has to agree.
The Greens lost the least votes from all the members of the last coalition. SPD and FDP have huge losses.
The new AMD GPU generation is due to be presented this week, with tests expected in early March. I’d recommend waiting a few days to see the first impressions.
I wouldn’t consider an AM4 build for a new PC unless there is a very low budget. But this does not seem to be the case here.
Tut mir leid, der Quelltext für Homo Sapiens ist bereits ausgeliefert. Eine Über-die-Luft Aktualisierung ist nicht möglich.
So wie es bei uns nicht ohne ÖVP geht, wird es bei euch nicht ohne CxU gehen.
Bei uns ist die ÖVP recht schnell draufgekommen, dass mit einer rechtsextremen Partei keine sinnvolle Regierung möglich ist.
Clearly, solar power is a benefit for any country. What’s truly surprising isn’t that conservatives like free energy now — it’s that they ever opposed it in the first place.