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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Really enjoy the optimism in your reply, it’s so refreshing to encounter, thank you!

    Definitely agree on the stated challenges, and the strategy seems sound. But of course, there is the big murky problem area…what to do after gaining a foothold in the House? Justice Dems really seem to lose their momentum after getting their seat. The influence and coercion of the established body politic is clearly quite strong, and must be quite difficult to resist once one is awash in it day-in day-out.

    I think, as you mention, a solid foundation of investors/supporters is a crucial piece to this puzzle. I wonder if there are specific character traits we should be looking for in those early-career local politicians that would indicate some potential resilience at the federal level. There have been a few solid and sensible pledges I’ve seen floating around over the years, but their non-binding nature means they consistently fall flat.

  • if we can change it, if we can bolster and prioritize the well-being of employees, customers, and society at large - with a strong legal obligation to do so, or at least give companies the ability to set these as legal obligations of their leaders - then maybe things can shift. ESG investing is paving that way forward, but still faces many roadblocks due to the prioritization of fiduciary duty.

    How do we change it? Start with lawmakers, let that bleed into laws and courts, then eventually it’ll allow companies/industries to prioritize something other than profits. Like just maybe the people who live under it all.

    Really appreciate your viewpoint here. I think you’ve accurately described the disadvantages of late stage capitalism, and why it’s led us into this mess. Also, I think you’re right - the solution is to elect lawmakers who will enact legislation to incentivize ethical and responsible corporate actions.

    I think the problem we face preventing that, is that the right wing has dragged the Overton window completely off of stage right. American Democrats, policy wise, would be considered conservatives in most other parts of the world. And both sides of the aisle serve their donors above all else. Everyone in DC is massively conservative, and completely disconnected from the reality in which the rest of us live.

    The solution to me seems to be a 3rd party, an actual leftist party with the goal of supporting the people. The data certainly supports this - poll after poll shows the American people are massively progressive, with approval ratings on things like Medicare for all, college for all, and taxing the rich above 80% across the board. And for those originalists out there, the founding fathers were quite clear that they felt a 2 party system would be the death of democracy…and imho, they were right.

    So, how can we successfully launch a third party when the corporate media maintains its stranglehold on news and communications? Love me some Lemmy, but sadly platforms like this aren’t enough. Not yet anyway. And the oligarchs have been hard at work massacreing the others, twit and reddit being the latest to fall. I’m intrigued by Cornell West’s talk of a People’s Party, but I have to be honest that I don’t take him seriously and it feels like a false flag to stall meaningful momentum.

    Can we actually organize at a local level anymore, considering how the culture wars of division have everyone at each others’ throats? Would love to hear more from you about whether you think the answer lies in a 3rd party or changing the Dems from within.