• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • A modern nuke is FAR from the “bang 2 rocks together” designs that were first designed. For a start, most are fusion devices. Fairly exotic reactions are used to make a small amount of fusion material to go critical. This creates a shaped charge on a fusion core. The compression wave sets fusion happening, which releases 95% of the energy. Most of Russia’s arsenal is of this sort.

    The downsides of these is the use of exotic elements. They often have a short half life, e.g. tritium, with 12.5 years. This means they decay. Even worse, some of the byproducts will actually poison the reaction. E.g. Rather than producing a flood of neutrons, they absorb them.

    If any of this chain fails, then your fusion nuke becomes, at best, a low yield fission nuke. More likely, it becomes a dirty bomb. It’s still nasty, but not the city destroying terror weapon it would be intended as.

  • The tories are the conservative party. They are our right-wing, mainstream party. Politically, they are closer to the Democrats than republicans, but that’s mostly because America is so extreme right wing compared to most of Europe.

    A few years ago, they took a lurch to the right, as well as purging a lot of the less extreme and/or intelligent members. Thankfully, they got throughly bitchslaped out of power recently. We are now into the cleanup phase of their damage (including brexit).

  • For those confused, it’s a British politician, not American. The tories spent far too long in power trying to cripple the NHS, without being too blatant about it. They wanted to introduce a more American style system. Unfortunately for them, a lot of the NHS staff wouldn’t play ball. It’s been hell on the actual staff, but the NHS refused to break.

    “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”

  • Adrenaline with completely fuck up your higher brain functions, unless you’ve trained to cope with it. Its default effects are fight, flight, freeze or fawn. She went into freeze. She likely didn’t want to make matters worse, and couldn’t think it through, due to the adrenaline spike.

    A rather dark survey I heard about years ago. Researchers couldn’t find anyone who has self rescued from a submerged car, who hadn’t planned for the eventuality. They had all worked out what to do if that happened to them. Many of the deaths had claw marks on the dashboard, and sometimes they hadn’t even gotten their seat belts off. In the moment, their monkey brain couldn’t even plan that far.

  • Hiding it requires caring, even if in a negative manner. People like him simply don’t care at all, at least to an individual level. Why should the aristocracy care about the help?

    The poor, as an amalgam, are vaguely worth caring about it, taking $50 off of 1 million people is actually worth the effort. After all, $50 is next to nothing. Who would even notice the difference?

    In many ways, amoral indifference is far more horrifying than active evil. No one sees themselves as the villain of their own story. Crushing ants also doesn’t make you evil (though the ants will strongly disagree).

  • It’s a combination of both, I believe.

    The initial conditions had a definite rotational bias. This is preserved in the current orbital plane and direction.

    On top of that, anything massively off that plane is liable to hit or interact with the material in the plane, given enough time. It will be flung around, eventually either out of the system or into the plane.

    Stuff orbiting relatively close to the plane will have a biased pull towards the “average” plane. This will slowly flatten the orbits out.

    All these processes take a lot of time. The solar system, in general, has had enough time to settle. The ort cloud and other outer bodies are still quite chaotic. We see a lot more off plane than within the traditional solar system. They experience the latter effects far less, and so take longer to equalise. They still have a bias towards the initial spin however.

  • cynar@lemmy.worldtoFunny: Home of the Haha@lemmy.worldI knew it
    2 days ago

    I use Linux. Using apt to update everything looks so much cooler than windows updates. It’s also a lot more informative when there’s issues.

    The fact that it makes me look like a Hollywood hacker, at least when I’ve been lazy and not updated for a while, is just a nice bonus.