Wie schreibst du Bilder in die Kommentare?
Edit: danke euch!
Wie schreibst du Bilder in die Kommentare?
Edit: danke euch!
Warum tilo nicht auf mastodon ist wundert mich doch sehr.
I got that! Thanks for making sure. :)
Don’t get me wrong I’m not defending. I was just asking for more context. And from what I read now, I do agree with you.
Interesting. Is there other open source website creator software that is also part of the fediverse?
I am trying all fedi software and WordPress is last on that list. So I am happy about recommendations
What is your problem with WordPress? Isn’t it part of the fediverse and entirely open source?
It’s closed source and chrome(ium)(?) based. I’m not entirely convinced by Vivaldi.
Hab mich auch gewundert. Aber hier geht es ja noch um den vorigen Bundestag
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