• 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Duverger’s Law is structural

    Or maybe it’s bullshit, designed to scare people into voting for bad candidates.

    Even Duverger himself did not consider it some universal law, merely as a statistical trend. A better formulation would be ‘under these conditions, a third party has difficulty forming and attracting voters, and an established party can survive longer than it should, purely based on merit’. Says the exact same thing, but cannot be misinterpreted as easily.

  • Duverger’s law is about how there tend to be two parties.

    Emphasis on the ‘tends’. It’s a probabilistic observation, not a law of nature. Treating it as the latter leads to people acting against their best interests.

    Sri Lanka has ranked ballots. It’s not a Plurality voting system.

    You are right, in theory, but please check how many additional votes the winner (or the runner-up) got as second-prefrence votes. It was around 2% of their totals. This is because in practice, most voyers didn’t bother putting second and third preferences.

  • The new guy won despite winning <5% of votes in the last election. If people vote for the candidate they like instead of trying to game the system by calculating who they’d rather not win the most, then maybe we can kick out corrupt incumbents and get in fresh faces (they’ll get corrupted over time too, at which point you rinse and repeat).

  • In this context, I guess the self-employed would be an intermediate ‘middle class’. A doctor or accountant with her own practice, a master tradesman who can pick and choose his clients, a programmer who does contract work for companies - none of them are propertied enough to have their own workers, but neither are they employed by a boss who takes a cut of their pay. But I agree that a lot of people who call themselves middle class are actually either upper class or working class.