• 8 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • Cool, you fixed my issues!

    The audio output still doesn’t default to the deck speakers, but after following your hint it is now at least easy to select it while in gaming mode.

    I installed the decky loader, and as non-steam game Audiotube. It seems to work, doesn’t matter very much to me if keyboard shortcuts like next track don’t function, I usually listen to full albums or dj mixes of 1 or 2 hours.

  • That means the powers aren’t balanced enough. In USA I have the impression way too much power lies with 1 person from 1 party. In a democracy, absolute majorities should always be avoided in the most powerful places and policy should always remain the outcome (compromise) of talks between many different parties. The elections serve to point out how strongly represented every faction is, but no 1 faction should ever get near the amount of absolute control it has in the USA. Fact a 3rd party can’t arise means the democracy is functionally paralysed, not functioning in democratic way.

  • Terra Nil was way to straight forward for my taste, super clear path what you should do and no way to deviate. It felt like a glorified educational powerpoint. I pictured the idea more as a mixture of OTTD (for trains & trainmanagement), cities & skylines (lots of variety in what could be built and how urbanism evolves and develops when needs are met), SimCity3000 (sudden disaster mode) and this game for real implications of chosing car mobillity that are often ignored in games. And the look&feel also being like this game (which is very much resembling OTTD). Now if only I would have the progamming skills to build it 😅

  • Kudos to the developer, it does look very nice and I like the retro feel. I’ld give it a go.

    That said: I would much rather see a city development game where you start off with existing shitty cities full of car dependency and people complaining about everything (including lack of parking spots ;) but also noise and traffic congestion and loud neighbours etc), and the goal would be to try to make it into nice walkable cities while still getting everyone where they need to be (to jobs, to leisure, shops etc), making it more climate proof and creating more living space for growing population. Converting a Houston style existing city to an Amsterdam/Netherlands style city basically. That would be original… All city builders ignore parking (that’s being adressed here I guess), but they all usually also ignore the fact that you start off with existing city and you can’t just bulldoze entire neighbourhoods for prestigeprojects or trainlines/highways.

  • If you properly use firefox personalised the way you want it, it gives you shitty unusable websites in Europe too. Banking says no, newspapers being buggy to unreadable with certain script blocking or cookie refusal, disable adblock to continue windows etc, it all exists here too. I always try ff. If really needed I open the shitty site in edge and afterwards return to ff… Also public (tax payer funded!) flemish radio and tv for example is completely unusable in ff with proper settings, works “perfect” in edge or chrome. German and Dutch public TV and radio works fine in ff tho.

  • There’s one good use case for me: produce a bigload of trialcontent in no time for load testing new stuff. “Make 2000 yada yada with column x and z …”. Keeps testing fun and varied while lots of testdata and that it’s all nonsense doesn’t matter.

    I’ve found that testing code or formulas with LLM is a 50/50 now. Very often replying “use function blabla() and such snd so” very detailed instructions while this suggested function just doesn’t exist at all in certain language asked for… it’s still something I’ld try if I’m very stuck tho, never know.

  • freebee@sh.itjust.worksOPtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldUrban Microcars
    24 days ago

    It’s an urban car. Most city streets have a 30 km/h limit anyway. Some are 20 km/h (‘living street’). A lot of the more main roady streets in urban environment are 50 km/h, still fine with this. Then the bigger connecting roads might be 70km/h, that would depend on every case for me. Highways are obviously not allowed.

    In many streets where the limit is 30-50 km/h, the actual traffic flow is only 10-15 km/h anyway because of congestion. I always feel a cringe seeing people in 600 horsepower vehicles inching by towards the next crossroads, or even worse seeing them wait it out for a minute so they can blast full engine for the solid 200meter and make sure everyone heard them; while I cycle past them at a steady 23 km/h with my 1/4 horsepower legs.