I’m @froztbyte more or less everywhere that matters

  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I’ve sat and had beer with someone (who’s worked in the space but not LLMs) who read the Bitter Lesson and got real into the idea of humans “just being universal function approximators” and had wholesale bought into the idea that we should throw everything we possibly can into this shit, no resource cost or requirement is too high or too uncertain, that it would definitely be the right thing to so

    so I can tell you without no uncertainty that there are definitely people who buy into it

    I poked the conversation gently, to see how far the conviction went. it was pretty comprehensively bought-in. was a somewhat surprising experience tbh

  • so, this isn’t so much a design as it is a consequence of how a lot of the technologies involved operate (as in, it’s (largely) not a conscious choice for those things to do that shifting (except in the cases of deceptive designs)), but you’re fairly correct in that it fucking sucks to have that interaction with sites/systems (because of violates principle of least surprise, etc)

    (and probably also sometimes/often falls into that bucket of things where “it works perfectly fine on the dev’s 27” laptop with 16 cores and 32gb of RAM and the DC is next door" development applies)

  • what continues to be absolutely fucking hilarious about this is that this sort of thing already fucking exists in mainland china, in the form of a boxshop you walk into where everything is tagged with RFID stickers. slap the basket into location, pay with phone, leave. and it exists based on 2010+ technology, that’s fairly reliable.

    (minor note: I haven’t seen this in person but I’ve seen coverage of it, and I’ve worked with all the actual constituent technologies so I’m quite aware of how real this is and how well it can work, barring all the fuzzy in-practice biz-rule shit that inevitably has to be handled and solved (such as all real-world systems))

  • I’ve heard this exact same bullshit spun defending choosing golang too, and it’s just as bullshit there as it is here

    and that’s not even touching on the aspect of this being based on the extremely toxic “oh yeah just burn them up and find the next one” mentality that has become far more prevalent in the world under the umbrella of zirp-funded bayfuckery gaining international traction

    I beg you to go consider whether this is your actual position, or some shit you picked up from someone else. to consider what the effects of this stance are, not just today but in 5/10/15y+. it should be quite easy to see both how it helped us get into the collective pile of shit we now do have, as well as why it won’t ever be good