Intermediary free monetary transfer, lack of trust, transparency
Intermediary free monetary transfer, lack of trust, transparency
Fragile allegiance. Desperately needs a redo with a first person mode and better ui
FOSS implies it’s your hardware, therefore a subpoena would extract no information because there is no information outside of the users device.
The meal isn’t over when you’re full, it’s over when you hate yourself.
No global recovery from 2008. A case could be made for no recovery from the .com bust but that’s a bit more nebulous. We have not returned to the 08 baseline.
Convenience gives. It’s hard to get 5 or six people consistently together at the same time and place. Removing the place makes it more accessible even if objectively worse. I am working on a tabletop thing in python with particle effects and other little tidbits so you can have some visuals that are browser and company independent.
I pick up muted so they have a null like they hit an old fax line
Think about the children <clutches pearls>. It will make it easier for police to access instead of <checks notes> doing actual police work and getting a warrant.
Sponsor block is a browser addons that addresses this niche
I would like to see the performance of a FFT optimized AI. I imagine cpu performance would be amazing.
Be a better person. Less ignorant, more useful.
Not a huge effect now with smart systems but if you leave solar panel disconnected from everything and out in the sun for weeks at a time you will damage the panel. Open circuit voltage is higher than operating voltage and higher voltage will break down insulation. PN depends on the insulating properties of a doped layer. If I remember correctly electron tunneling causes damage by making the band gap smaller
This can cause degradation of the PN junction on the panel shortening life. The plans I’ve seen all have a resistive heater some place to dump the excess when full. Smart equipment does help mitigate most issues like moving the resistance point on the panel for lower efficiency when signaled to do so but less is not the same as none.
It’s a grift. They came to steal VC money.
It’s not. I believe lowlevellearning has a tutorial on tearing down binaries. If not him, john hammond does for sure. Both are on youtube. That skill set is usually employed in security research since it pays more than reverse engineering old software with problematic licensing and uncertain ownership.
EDF patrol car from red faction
Bold of you to assume that everyone’s economy isn’t already crashing.
If memory serves, arm was developed several decades after the 8088. Arm was intended to be a low power low cost cpu for simple devices that intel had no product to service. Arm and the 8088 were not contemporaneous.
Because it worked with cable tv back in the day so it will work again if its allowed to. Stop giving companies your money as a general rule.