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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • I could not agree more about my wife! She is totally awesome and I really love spending time with her. We are constantly goofing arround. I had a crush on her since we have been 14 and started dating. Now 10 years together we are married and got our first kid. I could not be happier.

    She is just changing diapers right now and I am thinking how lucky I am to have her.

    I also believe actively trying to have positive/wholesome view on a world helps a lot.

    This is why I really like this community.

  • TLDR: Scouts are about nature AND religion. Not just nature. There are many organisations that are just about nature. Feel free to join them.

    Why should they not discriminate against atheists?

    For real. Just because you believe it is about nature? Scout organizations are clearly about nature AND religion.

    Join an organization that is just about nature.

    In my country we have two strong scout organisations. One religious and one not. Religious one focused more on a personal growth and the other one more on nature skills. (Well some of my friends in religious one were atheists they just had to practice the same activities)

    Churches do not accept atheists. Chess clubs discriminate against non chess players.

    But if they would include non chess players, chess clubs would have no meaning.

    One can see you do not hold religions in high regard, but please allow people with the same interests and believes to meet and express themselves together in a peaceful manner.

  • Not recently. But few rules I collected/made up through years, that are quite usefull to me:

    1. Just be nice to people. It is free.
    2. Most issues can be talk through. Especially with your SO talk about every bad feeling you have.
    3. Use pen and paper when solving hard (personal) issues.
    4. Really try to be a good person.
    5. Do not drink, smoke. It does you no good.
    6. Do not play games in relationships. Always speak your mind, but always sugarcoat it. Especially sugar coat it to the people you love - you do not want them to feel bad or lose passion after critique.
    7. Be passionate and notice and be interested in passions of others.
    8. People are very deep get to know them.
    9. Find a deeper meaning. Can be religious or philosophic, also here you can help yourself with a pen and paper.
    10. You can decide what personality/character you have, but you have to work to get there. (Eg. You do not have to be grumpy, you can be nice,…)
    11. Make yourself be good with kids. They will teach you a lot.
    12. Be optimistic (but not naive). It is actually more helpful to leave life that way. Pessimists/realists are more correct. But correct is not useful. If you say “I will fail this exam anyway” and do not study you are 100% correct, but if believe you will pass it and study - you have at least some chances to pass it.
    13. When people ask you “how are you?” Say “Excellent!” instead of “Fine.” And then make up a reason to why (eg “It is a very lovely morning!”). First you did not know how you felt anyway and will make yourself actually feel excellent, you will lighten everyone’s mood and if you are creative your response can be a great conversation starter.

  • I used word “personally”. I just added European for a context. I know a lot of Europeans know a lot of stuff. I myself just do not know a lot of stuff.

    (And yes I know I could probably express myself better. I have never been good with English.)

    I knew it is considered racist - and would be considered racist also in Europe. I just did not know why. I believed reason for it being racist came from american history. This is why I asked Americans.

  • Well there is ALWAYS pessimistic and optimistic view on everything. But I do not mean naive or stupid. I mean optimistic.

    Pessimist: “It makes no sense to improve my situation, because I will fail! I will not even try.” Stupid: “Things are not bad. Nothing to change here.” Naive: “Things will fix themselves.” Optimist: “Well things may be bad, but we can, and we will fix them.”

    So to answer your concrete questions:

    • unhabitable planet: lets vote for green parties, lets push for green energy. Results will not be immediate, but we will get there. Yes it will get hotter a few degrees and will cause some weather problems. But we can fix it.
    • fascist government: Vote for better, join movement. Or if things are really extreme in your country. Move to a democracy.
    • money problems: you can change your job. Yes it can be very hard, but If you really try (improve your cv, reeducate yourself, change profession) you can get really good jobs. You can learn sales and be really good salesman with very high pay without ever going to college.
    • social issues: go out, meet new people, join some class, start a hobby.

    Yes I know mentioned things can be awfully hard to achieve. Buy you can achieve them. One by one. As to why bother? You do not have to. But that is the beauty of it. You can try to improve things as many times as you want. It will be hard, but things can be way better.

    If nothing else I would bother to fix my life (and the world) just for the sake of curiosity. To see how good can life actually get.