• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • “We have new people whose life experiences have been radically different than ours. And so for those of us who have been here for decades or a long time, it gives us an insight into how people lived in other parts of the world, and now they’re with us and we want to learn about them. So we are one united community.”

    This is such a positive take from someone in leadership re: new immigration to their community. It can be difficult to manage unexpected population growth and the federal/provincial governments offer poor support to growing communities across Canada. Mr. Morrison and his neighbours deserve lots of credit and respect for welcoming new neighbours who’ve been through a lot. They sound like good people.

  • The article also reports on two couples who are planning to move to another country (Cambodia and the Philippines, respectively). Two of the three couples have direct family ties to the destination country. 2/3 already had jobs in their destination country, while the third lives on disability and pension checks. It would be interesting to follow up with these couples in a few years to see whether they planned responsibly:

    • Inflation is currently worse in the Philippines than anywhere else in Asia and there is no sign of improvement. The country is considered by the UN to be the most disaster-prone in the world, and these unstable conditions will only worsen due to climate change. Will that family prosper in a country living under increasingly constant emergencies?

    • Cambodia is already badly affected by climate change and conditions will only worsen there. The Mekong River, which supports much of the country’s agricultural industry, is already starting to dry out. This will also cause massive flooding and disease spread during the rainy season. Can an older couple on a fixed income, one of whom is disabled, survive unpredictable climatic and economic changes in a developing country?

    • Barbados is almost entirely dependent on the tourist sector. Any negative impacts on tourism, for example a future pandemic or the effects of global warming on the country’s tiny beaches, can be ruinous. The country’s entire economy contracted by 14% in FY2020/21, for example, and despite their PM’s strong personality the government still had no solution but to beg the IMF and UN for assistance. Does the business owner in Barbados have a plan for what happens when tourists stop visiting Barbados?

    These and many other factors need consideration before you move to a developing country…

  • “In my view, a lot of the general associations we have with drinking in public are negative, like drunkenness in public, drinking and driving, like drunken hoodlums, all of these things — which make the news, but aren’t necessarily the only way people consume alcohol in public.”

    Dr. Malleck quoted here gets close to the source of the problem, which is classism.

    Most mayors, city councilors, etc. are doing well financially and they own their own houses (as well as cottages, investment properties, etc.), so the idea of going to a public park to drink outside with friends seems unusual to them. They view public parks as community spaces, but only within their personal perspectives as homeowners, and therefore what is allowed in parks is restricted to class-based moral sensibilities. It’s easy for Councilor So-and-So to bring her laptop to her backyard garden patio for another Zoom meeting. The line worker who just wants to sit outside with her family after 12 hours inside sorting chicken meat for Councilor So-and-So’s BBQ that weekend… she was an afterthought when it comes to these kinds of public space bylaws.

    This disconnect between how municipal leaders and many apartment/condo-dwelling constituents live also explains the conflicts during the pandemic when people wanted to leave the isolation of their apartments for fresh air, but homeowner leaders (with their backyards, cottage retreats, ‘working’ holidays, etc.) told them to go back inside and threatened them with fines.

    We do we have these bylaws? Ignorance rooted in class.

  • Hello friend,

    Most people see results after they establish and stick with a meditation routine. If you need help, Kurzgesagt has a useful video on establishing habits and routines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75d_29QWELk

    Here’s a simple meditation technique to start, which requires no special equipment, reading/training, etc. All you need is to sit or stand in a comfortable position that does not make you feel sleepy. The technique is counting breaths and it is the first step for many different meditation traditions.

    Your goal is to count your own breaths from 1-10 in your mind without losing count. This is a repetitive exercise like gym reps, but your goal is to NOT ZONE OUT. Your target is 10: breathe in and count ‘1’ in your mind, breathe out and count ‘2’… breathe in again and count ‘3’, breathe out and count ‘4’. If you lose track of your count, you just reset to ‘1’ and start again.

    At the beginning, you will lose track of your count a lot. Some people take a week or more to successfully complete the first set, much less multiple sets in a row. Our minds naturally wander. Sometimes you don’t even realize you lost count until you think, “Wait, what breath am I on?” That is okay… that is the point! If you keep practicing this technique you will begin to train your mind to focus and not wander, which is a major step to conquering procrastination. Once you develop this simple form of mental self-control you will be able to demonstrate other forms of self-control.

    Let me know if you want to chat more about it!

  • A big part of the frustration for me is them pretending like they are still doing the right thing by continuing to provide it.

    Agree completely! Reddit has never been in the business of ‘doing the right thing’ and these API fees are clearly designed to discourage third-party developers. Reddit leadership do not seem to understand what drives the value of their own product and have badly misread both their short- and long-term futures, so the experiment will likely end in failure.

  • My remark is probably too harsh. I meant that companies developing for-profit products based on another company’s product/infrastructure, which they do not own, will be subject to whatever changes the latter decides to make. Any company that develops such a product should understand and take that into consideration. That said, I think reddit made a mistake re: its pricing for API access because the site benefits from that collaboration more than is harmed. However, if reddit wants to cut off its nose to spite its face they’re entitled to do so, just as we’re entitled to leave.