• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I finished today as well. Overall, I thought it was fine. It’s clear it was meant to show new players different parts of the game. I was actually glad it was so succinct without much grinding. Almost everything you need was within the confines of the expedition, either as a reward or available somewhere along the path.

    While I always like the cosmetic rewards, it annoys me that the colors and textures never quite match the existing customizations. I wish they would go back and make everything a little more consistent.

    I often keep playing my expedition saves and get them into an end-game state. I haven’t decided if I will this time.

  • I know what you mean. I think as Twitter started to implode, Mastodon and other platforms were a little more prepared to pick up the slack. I don’t think Lemmy was as mature when Reddit started having issues so adoption wasn’t as strong as it could’ve been. I still have hope that Lemmy continues to grow.

    I was really active in NMSCE and NMSGE on Reddit but honestly I haven’t been playing NMS as much lately. I’ll start up again with the new Expedition.

  • Maybe it’s been like that since the last update and I just missed it. I do have multiple saves and I don’t play all of them consistently. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I am a little sad though because this was one of my favorite bases.

    I can’t decide if I should just delete it and get it over with, or wait and see if this gets fixed with a future update.

  • I am still speculating but…

    1. You have to push out an update to re-issue the expedition(s) on a shortened timeframe. While the development cost itself may be minimal, there’s still a cost associated with doing the release on various platforms.
    2. I assume expeditions cause a spike in usage. Since this is a multiplayer game, it has to be hosted somewhere and that isn’t free, especially when traffic increases.

    Both of these may be very low cost but it still may not be worth it for them to do it. They continue to release new content for free, which is great, except it’s also not a sustainable business model. They probably have to keep it as lean as possible.

  • If I had to speculate, I think there could be a couple things at play…

    1. They have been focusing on bug fixes and stability lately as seen in the experimental branches on Steam instead of new features. They added support for MacOS and iPadOS earlier this year, which I’m sure complicates ongoing development.
    2. There have been many game releases lately that may have pulled people away from NMS, like Starfield, Baldur’s Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, etc. It may not be worth it for them to invest resources in re-running the expeditions if people are currently focused elsewhere.

    Personally, I am on a NMS hiatus until the next expedition or major update.