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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The nation desperately needs police reform!

    Stuff like this, or disabling body cam footage IMO should result in immediate termination and absolutely no union protection

    There’s someone working for Kingston Ontario police who was harassing his wife/girlfriend. There was an article about him pleading guilty that kept the victim 100% anonymous… Then he makes public statements to the press. Reveals its his significant other that they owned a home together with. Claims he “pleaded guilty because he couldn’t afford a legal defense.” You literally get one whether you can afford one or not.

    The guy makes 200k per year. Funny this hate criminal kicking heads is getting 18 months because so did this Kingston cop! A YEAR AND A HALF 100% PAID VACATION. Now he’s back with a comfy administrative desk job.

    You know what happens when locals criticise the cops? They literally tell us “you should be careful, we might now show up when you need us.”

  • I believe in Canada we have high standards for our potable water, unlike the UK for example our water heaters need to be up to par (UK typically has seperate taps AFAIK).

    So no need to boil, also if you’re trying to get rid of chlorine you can just use Brita filters, carbon filters that restaurants use do the same AFAIK. Also even cities like mine which (at least at some point before now) had way more houses than apartments still chlorinated the entire city’s supply.

    Filters are insanely good these days. I was thinking about getting a life straw, but there’s a slightly more expensive alternative that can do like 500x more filtering before it needs to be replaced, and comes with a pouch you can fill and then pour into a regular water bottle. Life straws are meant to be drank from directly, and the alternatives that company offers are just water bottles with life straws built in - so you put unfiltered water in the bottle itself… Probably gets gross or requires constant cleaning

  • …what do you get for $9 a month? I’m guessing you’re not in Ontario? Since I was a loyal long term customer I was lucky to get my bill down to 40 minus 10 bucks promotionally (which doesn’t show up in my account or say how long it’ll last) from 60 a month for 15GB of data. And now of course you can get more data for the same price or some shit as a new customer

    Opening up to international competition is one option… Honestly we could have Canadian companies be competitive but that would involve work and effort from all levels: government, consumer, and business.

    These dare the days of everyone wanting everything for free, but I’m not talking lazy hobos - I’m talking the entitled rich who think they can just keep sucking the rest of us dry indefinitely

  • Oh man you missed them in their glory days. They would pressure the big three, prices were lowered, and they gave that back to us customers. They emailed us telling our plans were getting cheaper, faster, or both!

    Now they’re just the diet coke of the big three. They offer the same crap that all the other ones do - nothing for loyal customers but like over $400 off for newer customers, limited time offers for even faster and cheaper plans…

    It’s all shit. You hop from service to service, or you tell them you’re going to do that and all of a sudden they offer you amazing plans to get you to stay.

    Teksavvy will literally throttle your speeds if you’re late on your bill, without warning, days before they initially told you they were going to cut you off. This ruined my plans to download a few things before I was stuck offline. This forced me to use up all of my full speed mobile data (another thing that most developed countries don’t have and scoff at, data caps). Then you gotta argue with them to NOT have to pay for services that were not provided/withheld.

  • Experience? If you say so, again just sounds like you’re quoting a textbook.

    If you’re referring to experience all the way back to your quality of life comment, how old are you? Quality of life has definitely dropped since baby boomers were in their 20s and 30s and 40s

    Sure we have netflix, we’re all interconnected and have instant access to information on the internet, but we can’t raise a family on a single income, we can’t pay off college or university with a single year of a summer job

  • …uh okay?

    So back to my questions, by what scale?

    Care to have a conversation and not just repeat random excerpts you read from a textbook?

    So tell me, how exactly are we expected to consume all those goods in that basket that are used to measure inflation, when we are not paid in proportion to our increased productivity? Do those goods just pay for themselves with wages we do not receive?

  • By what scale? Medieval peasants only had to pay 10% in taxes and got sooooo much free time. Technology even today is still bad for us, but nature and free time? Come on, what’s the point of having all these gadgets and what not if we don’t have the time to use them, and they’re all run by faceless corporations who make things as addictive and monetized as possible?

    Productivity. That’s what you want to compare to wages, and it has definitely increased faster than wages, so why aren’t the workers being paid proportionately to their increased productivity?

  • I worked for the biggest Canadian chain and they’re awful. Got stuck with an assistant manager who was demoted from store manager for treating her staff like shit.

    They thought it was a good idea to stick like 3 or 4 of those staff that quit back with her when they applied during a wave of expansion. She was awful. The store manager was good at first, you could tell she didn’t like the assistant. Things got bad enough for me to go to the DM since nothing was being done and it just felt like a good cop bad cop situation. The meeting I had was with a Sophia? I think and some other dude being TRAINED for DM (I had my BBA at this point and the best they could offer was temporary lowest ranking position with potential to be permanent part time. Full timers only got 25 hours a week… Absolutely insulting. Get a degree. There will be jobs…). They took the issues seriously. I was told to contact her again if there was any “retaliation”. When I left the office and closed the door they burst into laughter. It didn’t sound like uneasy laughter, it sounded like “what a fucking joke” laughter. They also shafted my good friend an assistant (different store I wanted to transfer to, and someone wanted to swap with me as it would be closer for both of us, but DENIED) - they offered her store manager but after she accepted they changed their minds! The DM in training ended up quitting, maybe he was looking for a more professional business!

    Anyways a few weeks later after I was sure there was retaliation and not incompetence, I contacted the DM and she gaslight me. She said she never told me to contact her about retaliation. She fucking said there wasn’t anything wrong the AM did even though in the meeting she explicitly said she was doing SM stuff that as an AM she could only go to the actual SM and then get them to do it. I should’ve recorded the meeting! RECORD EVERYTHING, I swear, even if you have a good feeling about things or it’s not meetings about problems. If you live in a one party state, protect your ass.

    I’m a survivor of narcissist abuse from family, friends, school etc and when it happens in the workplace I shut down, my anxiety goes thru the roof, I get panic attacks, fight or flight response, I have trouble speaking, so I do the only thing I can do - remove myself from the situation. I gave my notice and things were so uncomfortable I had to call in sick. Despite a nasty letter sent to me from the DM which was a blatant attempt to deny my EI, all I had to do was explain my situation to Service Canada, get a doctor’s note for my anxiety, and I got it. They mightve gotten off the hook as an employee because of the medical note though… It’s not just business that needs heavy reform but government as well.

  • It’s wine when they have it but yes it turns into literal horseshit by the time it trickles down.

    There’s just enough people in the middle class, pacified by their Netflix accounts and multiple yearly vacations to not give a fuck about the rest of us ☹️

    And of course us working smucks get to taste all that shit just enough to want to struggle paycheck to paycheck, if we’re lucky