Capitalism still acting like it’s an impressions game
Yeah satisfactory spent 5 years in early access. Good dev takes time
Sounds pretty familiar
we need to build more housing than ever
I mean 10% of the US houses sit vacant, so that seems aggressive when it should be we need to house people rather than build more houses
Home prices are artificially increased by corporations building / buying homes in the interest of renting them. I’m not sure the impact a lumber shortage having for those struggling with housing, but if it works to pop the real estate bubble, I’m all for it
Step 1: Set up every employee beyond the rich to have to constantly worry about healthcare, housing, food, etc, and it’s always tied to your employment
Step 2: Ensure these systems have no fallback so without a job you will just die
Step 3: Ensure that those who are working blame the class struggle on the “freeloaders” or “illegals” not holding a legal job rather than the wealthy who have built the system
Step 4: Make it so that while you are working to seize power, said people know that you control whether or not they will have a job, and therefore it’s literally a life or death choice to fight back or roll over
Step 5: Seize power. Those who roll over keep their mediocre healthcare, housing, paycheck (for now). The others you have the power to oust from employment, therefore becoming the enemies from step 3, keeping the struggle between everyone you step on as you do so
Step 6: Rape all of them. Dismantle all the services, minimize the chances of them ever fighting back because now they’re enemies of the state, keep them hating each other. Take whatever money was pooled for their benefit for the rich. Reward those who turn in anyone who speaks out with pittances. Turn the system into neofeudalism.
It goes on from there, but it’s a pretty obvious playbook. It just sucks that so many people willingly fell for the “us vs them” tribalism as the corporatocracy took control
Simplified: capitalism made these studios shitty, just as it’s done for gestures broadly
More likely it just wouldn’t be a rule for “enterprise” accounts so businesses could do whatever they want if they fork up the cash
“I did not pull the lever in the trolly problem and it was the dems fault”
Ahh, my mistake, thanks for pointing that out. Appreciate the education, misunderstood what you meant previously
When did I say they were us currency?
Yup, any “never” decision under modern capitalism should be treated at “within this quarter.” All that matters is quarterly growth, and all company decisions will change every quarter
But now we get more death! Immigrants, trans people, FEMA, it’s like a Gatcha game of who else gets to suffer. We really taught them a lesson
Well, they are one of two countries other than Israel that will continue to get military funding
So probably no a coincidence that this is literally “Israel can take territory” and “Egypt can open their mouth” if they both want that aid to continue to flow.
yes, official us mint coins medals have been
trump even has one
And even QVC has sold their own version of grifter coins medals. I’m just now positing that considering trump’s history of grifting, this new coin medal above is exactly that
lol yeah I’m sure I could replace it with a bunch of teams, but growing up in New England I’ve never found more of a “my personality is my football team” than bills fans
Go Bills!
a private company ripping people off
cheap to make but sold for far more
So every product Trump has grifted so far, from shoes to NFTs
random grifter try to cash in
shithead in the white house