I can’t get over that “W” being an upside down “M”
Hostile takeover is what that looks like
I love the precision in your lines! It’s a really cool drawing
Next step would be identifying spiders by touch
I watched this for the first time a few years ago, and I was so upset the dentist part of the plot went nowhere, when it should obviously have been that the monster was not really mean, he just had a bad tooth?
And then the elf would had saved the village and proven that his dentist aspirations were legit and the monster would be a new friend now? Cue happy Christmas story credits.
But instead they neutralize the monster and the elf goes “Check this out, hold my beer” and manages to rip out all of the monster’s teeth – a completely unnecessary move – before throwing him over the edge??
(My recollection may not be completely accurate, it’s been a few years and I’m not watching it again to check)
Good thing they gave the easy method below of multiplying by 907.2
The choice of color is really cool!
Ugh yeah you’re right, I’m an idiot. Maybe I should become CEO of something
I cannot get enough of this statue, it is perfect in every way
Wait, I’m having one of those things, you know, a headache with pictures.
I am so conditioned to Heathcliff without Heathcliff that I was genuinely confused to see him there.
Open the car doors, HAL.
Plot twist: it was written by a hen with a crush
Super cute! The ear is a nice touch
It’s a such a shame that horses don’t have hair, like, near their head so you could braid both your heads together instead of having to use their tail :(
/s just in case
There are missions but they’re different. You need to buy a kit first that’ll let you do a certain kind of mission, for example a kit to find special herbs that you bring to a particular character.
Money is more scarce and it is split between “regular” money and gold. Gold gets you good stuff like fancy horses or outfits or kits, but it is rare in the game, unless you pay real money for it.
All that said, there are a lot of people modding and playing online can be quite chaotic, with random objects becoming attached to you, animals spawning, massive explosions, invincible people, etc. But some people are also benevolent and will protect you, especially if you have a low level, and may even gift you stuff.
Anyway, I’d recommend you give it a shot, it’s a way to play with the characters and places you know but in a different way.