That phenomenon is called Epstein Barr Virus.
That phenomenon is called Epstein Barr Virus.
A standstill is probably the best you could hope for right now, but not exactly a positive outcome.
And a lot of people would call that incapable.
This is a form of learned, or rather forced to internalize, helplessness. People don’t even want to understand things, even though they absolutely could and ought.
Why, though?
A french press is literally the easiest way to make coffee. There’s hardly anything to fuck up and it’s dirt cheap - like 10€ at Ikea.
No, but it causes alpha particles to be emitted.
I think you don’t distinguish enough between professionals and capables.
All your points are either “sysadmin” or “complete buffoon” and nothing in between. That’s not how reality works.
You absolutely are expected to be able to check your oil and just a few years ago, you were expected to be able to change your tires. That doesn’t make you a car mechanic, but a capable user.
I’m absolutely not a car guy, but I know how to change a tire. Why? Because it’s necessary knowledge. I also know how to file my taxes, even though I’m not an accountant or tax consultant. Again, because it’s necessary.
The sentiment should rather be, that the system maintains itself. And that’s actually something I would get behind.
Tinkering around is cool, but I’m in my 30s and when my girlfriend’s build pipeline finishes, I’ll be a father, I can’t spend 4h every week fixing stuff, I need a reliable platform to work on. Currently that is indeed a mix of Debian and Nix for me.
At least the normal update process should work completely transparently for the user.
Not a sysadmin, but a capable user.
People shouldn’t just accept technology as magic. They should understand at least the basic principles of the technology around them. Corporations want us to be dumb and incapable. Look at cars, you seriously can’t expect a normal person to fix anything on them. But that’s not because of inherent complexity, but because corporations want us to just buy new parts when they think it’s time.
Sapere aude was true in the 19th century and it’s true today as well.
And that refutes what argument?
And I think, you have absolutely no idea how incredibly expensive nuclear power is.
Solar power is literally free during the day in Germany right now. Investing a few hundred million in storage is much much much cheaper and easier to scale than building a nuclear power plant that will only start producing energy in 20 years or so.
Hat das BVerfG das nicht schon gefühlt 20 mal abgeschossen?
If you count the numbers of As, H, and Os in his last tweets, it’s clearly 23, 11, 24. That can’t be a coincidence!!
Aber ich hatte Führung bestellt!
Germany is currently considering a third way: they ask you.
Everyone in Germany has health insurance, so the idea is that the health insurance simply asks you directly to decide. Most people are in favor of organ donation, but never actually get an organ donor card or talk to their relatives. Asking them to decide won’t get anywhere near the donor rates of an opt-out scheme, but it could drastically increase them.
And that is a deeply deeply undemocratic thing to say.
You’re taking away all agency from the voters. In what you’re saying, voters are completely unable to understand anything and are led by elites against their own will. This is how Putin, Hitler, Xi think about their subjects.
There is manipulation, without any doubt, but every single voter in a free country, like the US, has the ability to see through that. They have all the information they need, they have the critical thinking abilities they need, but they choose not to use them.
Listen to interviews with Trumpets. They know, he’s lying. It’s clear to them. But they like the sentiment of his lies and that’s good enough for them. They are to blame. And whoever chose not to vote against open fascism is also to blame.
I’m German, and the “We didn’t know of anything!!!” quote of the willfully ignorant Germans 80 years ago is infamous here.
I have no skin in this game, but if the two options are that clear, you absolutely can blame the voters.
At the end of the day, this rhetoric is trying to find absolution by delegating responsibility to a higher authority. Not we, the voters, are wrong, it’s the party elites, that forced us to vote fascism into power because the other offer wasn’t good enough. It’s not our fault, it’s theirs.
No, you don’t get a pass. Germany didn’t get a pass, either. And rightly so.
And surprisingly about how difficult it is to kill him before the election.
An incel with more acne than accuracy almost killed him. A professional team might have gotten it done.
Obviously I don’t know the business in question, but it’s quite possible that the company has a bunch of longer running contracts that would become a loss if the inputs become much more expensive.
Of course, businesses will use the opportunity to charge more, but sudden price hikes are a very real problem.
Most people don’t shut down their Macs that often, the fingerprint sensor on the keyboard acts as a power button 99% of the time.
Stupid decision, but almost inconsequential in real life.