Thank you! Would love for you to joing the beta, either iOS or macOS for now. I will be rolling out other platforms based on demand, but I really need some early user feedback to help focus the work I do.
Thank you! Would love for you to joing the beta, either iOS or macOS for now. I will be rolling out other platforms based on demand, but I really need some early user feedback to help focus the work I do.
They offer mods stock options?
You should probably take a second edible just to be sure
What’s Emacs? Is it as good as Vim?
You’re saying I could be thinking twice as fast 👀
Are they a relatively ethical company? Genuinely curious
It’s probably not super difficult. It’s mainly that cutting new releases for too many platforms might be tedious. But as I settle on a stable release that meets most people’s needs, I’ll be more interested in pushing to more platforms.
That being said, I’m mainly looking for high quality beta testers atm. If you were really enthusiastic about this over other Lemmy apps, that would make me more likely to look into Flatpak soon.
But if it’s more like “its interesting but not for me,” then I’ll likely wait
My eyes enjoyed your comment.
Coming in the next update!
Appriciate the kind words! This is mostly a project to make myself migrate from Reddit. I’ve sunk a lot of hours into this app, but I really wanted to wait until it was pretty usable to share it. Still a ton of work to do, but I really hope a few people enjoy using it and can help me itterate on the current design through feedback.
Is that a positive or negative reaction? lol
I’ve spend a lot of hours on this. I’m at the point where I mainly need to know at least a few people will use this. Then some feedback from those people. But if I get those, I’m happy to keep working on the project!
LOL. Reminds me of this
Appriciate you taking the time to try it! If you have time time, could you right click and "inspect element”? Then go to “console”. If possible could you paste everything in console in a DM to me? If you dont see “inspect element” as an option, then there is probably something else going on.
This sounds like it might be an issue with the app itself, not BigSur. Might be able to get it fixed easily.
It might actually just work. The build I’m distributing is a universal build that should work on Intel and Apple Silicon-based Macs. I’m not 100% sure what the minimum macOS version supported currently is.
I would say just try it, but I’m curious what macOS version you are on and if it works. I’ll see what I can do to expand support to older versions if people want that.
I will need to have better handling of both error and loading states. Thanks for letting me know about this issue!
Try upvoting or clicking login, and it will prompt you to change your instance. Unless the 503 errors are crashing the page
That’s what I was going for! Not looking to replace the other Lemmy apps, but I’m happy I can provide an option for people that like this still of client.
Tbh, I have no idea how Linux works. But I’m looking at some documention and I don’t see why Flatpak wouldn’t be possible.
The web version is also available! If you try it, feel free to submit any bugs through GitHub (linked in setting tab).