At this point in my life it mostly resembles the 10 hour cinematic masterpiece Paint Drying
At this point in my life it mostly resembles the 10 hour cinematic masterpiece Paint Drying
You need a key though, which only the landlord has
Thanks 🍿
I think you wanted to say “you f🦆k-cakes”
Or maybe she meant “I agree, but don’t post that where EVERYONE can read it!”
Libbed up? Or lubed up?
These days, how many people react when a car alarm goes off? Other than “Can somebody stop that alarm?”
Do they have to be mine?
Aw, you shouldn’t.
You’re not talking about the American pickup trucks right now, are you? Because then we’d have to include meteor showers to “the elements”
He’s not against buns, he’s against brioche buns
One pitchfork - do you have a blue one? - and a torch please. Preferably lavender scented.
No he isn’t. I’ve checked.
I thought you said JD was dead? No, I said he sleeps with the fishes
“It’s a small place to live after all”
It changes the ass to hole ratio though.
Or when that guy threw his shoes at Bush Jr?
DJ Who’s Ein