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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Coersion. For example, “if you don’t have sex with me right now, we’re breaking up/I’m divorcing you/I’m going to ruin your life by doing xyz.” And when you say no, she’ll threaten to call the cops on you for some made up bullshit, but they’ll believe her over you because she’s the woman and you’re the man.

    Also, you don’t have to be erect to have someone force you into performing sex acts. She could force you to perform oral on her, she could grope you, she could even penetrate you.

    But if this happens to you, fight back.

  • a belief system isn’t something that one just picks up and puts down every 5 minutes, as you described. you’re basically just saying that if i don’t believe in a deity, then whatever my focus is at the present time is my belief, which is incorrect. A belief system, or a religion, exists in order to explain what we cannot comprehend. How the earth was formed, how we came to be, etc. My current focus of analyzing data with power BI doesn’t answer those questions, nor would I want it to, since it’s power BI.

    however, we are advancing our understanding of how the universe around us works, we are learning, researching and asking questions which would have been considered heresy a few hundred years ago. Science tries to answer questions, but science is not a religion, because religion relies on belief. science relies on reproducible data.

  • eh the antithesis of the christian god is actually, believe it or not, the christian god. satan had very little role in the religion outside of folklore. Satan was just the guy who gave knowledge to adam and eve, which was a bad thing for some reason. and there was another passage where he made a bet with god about ruining some dude’s life, but all in all he plays a pretty minor role in the bible, old and new testament.

    god, on the other hand, one part he’s all like “kill all the amalekites” and the next he’s like “just love each other”. Once he even told some dude to sacrifice his only son, then changed his mind at the last minute and tried to play it off like it was just some sort of prank, bro. god is so inconsistent in christianity that if he says something, you can be almost certain that he directly contradicts himself later on.

    In fact, this was the basis for a theory that early judaism wasn’t actually monotheistic, and that there were several gods, each of whom has a distinct personality and commits certain actions. For example, yaweh could have been a distinct god from el, which tracks since it seems that yaweh was the one who flooded everything and destroyed villages while el was the one who created everything and loved everyone.