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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • I wish this were true! The problem with Linux is that it is constantly changing. I have been using it for 30 years and have built my own embedded distros from scratch. Yet every time I turn around there moving this setup file to another directory or changing out that language for a slightly incompatible newer version. Trying to configure and maintain a box is a constant battle.

    Windows is the polar opposite. The ui may have some annoying changes but under the hood it is frustratingly stable, often remaining unchanged for 20+ years (even the bugs live forever). Users crave simplicity and consistency. It is something Linux still needs to figure out.

  • Pure capitalism favors the wealthy and the unscrupulous. That is if there are no laws in place protecting peoples rights then the business owners have little incentive to treat there employees well (they will trade short term profits over long term stability.

    On the flip side a pure communist system favors the lazy since there is little to no reward for doing more than the minimum. That is to say the status quo is unchanging.

    This is why we have government, to correct the selfish nature of capitalism, while hopefully still retaining the innovation and drive that it produces (winner take all is a strong motivator).

    This only works in the long term if government is fair and balanced, looking out both for the interests of business and society (the poor, the environment, the common spaces, etc). And where an idea like socialism actually strikes a good balance between both extremes.

    The idea that the markets will sort themselves out is a fever dream thought up by the right. The markets will quickly consolidate into monopolies and then exploit there power. It is only fair competition that produces benefits. And that is an unstable balance that must be carefully maintained by outside forces (government).

  • I fully understand how scary it is to try to talk to someone in a language your just learning. I’m shy and hate talking period! But it is one of those things where you have to allow yourself to make a fool of yourself.

    Trust me, most people are very happy you are trying to learn there language and will be exited by anything you can produce. If you do find someone who is rude or offended by it, give them up as a bad job and shake it off. And never be embarrassed to say “I don’t understand”. We assume the people who know the answers are the smart ones, but the people who admit they still need to learn are in fact the geniuses.

    Besides, unless your using Google translate, then your English comprehension is plenty good enough. It is time to face your fears and make a fool of yourself. The rewards are worth it!

  • By this definition a how to book is intelligent.

    Classic programming is just a list of instructions (steps to take) that the computer follows exactly as written by the programmer. It can appear complex or magical, but we fully understand exactly what will happen in every instance. Nothing unexpected or new ever happens.

    AI as it is today mixes things up just a bit. We allow the computer to program itself by training it on lots of data while it builds up a neural network (think of it as a fancy decision tree) that it can then use to try and guess if the next data matches the training data. This is great, amazing at times, but in a lot of ways it is automated programming (auto classification) and not really intelligent in any sense of the word.

    The magic happens when computers can become intuitive and make a leap. Say we show it lots of apples and lots of tennis balls and tell it one is an apple and one is a tennis ball. Then we tell it an apple is a fruit and a tennis ball is a ball. Can we then show it a soccer ball or an orange and have it intuit that they are fruit or balls. This is the challenge, and we really don’t know how to get there yet, partly because we don’t know how we do it ourselves.

  • I agree with the first point completely. The apps are usually good for practicing vocabulary, but languages are dynamic, and change based on what was previously said. Talking to someone, anyone, is going to get you up and going a lot faster. Granted, finding someone willing to spend hours talking to you when your just learning can be hard. Look for apps that try to hook learners up.

    I’m not sure where you are, but try to find an English community. If your in an English speaking country that is basically any community. If your not then look around for where the English expats hang out. When I was in Cameroon we had an “american club” that everyone was a part of. Having a common interest helps a lot in motivating everyone to talk together.

    In a pinch you can force yourself to watch English television, possibly with subtitles. This helps your comprehension but lacks the back and forth of actually talking.

  • My advice is to do things that bring you joy, and if there a hit then consider that an added bonus. I’m a computer programmer and some of my most popular projects were started by me being curious how something works without any intention of doing something with it. If I set out to do something amazing I would have failed outright.

    So write a short story, then write another one. If you end up writing one you feel is with showing off then find a writing club to share it with, or post it to a blog. If that is successful then find a website or magazine to submit it too. Go on up the ladder till your the next Douglas Addams. But do it in many small steps, rather than setting out to conquer the world in one go.

  • The bone series of graphic novels are great. There are plenty of them, there easy to read, and there funny. Check the local library, they will have them all.

    I’m a big fan of Douglas Addams (hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, dirk gently). He is easy to read and has a very sharp sense of houmor.

    The Lunar Chronicles is another easy series to get into. Technically these are romances, but the romance is very light. It is a cyborg retelling of classic fairy tales.

  • Intelligence is a collection of multiple things. Curiosity is a contributor, but far from an integral part.

    Someone can be a brilliant mathematician, capable of computing complex equations that would stump most computers (metaphorically at least), but they may utterly lack creativity and curiosity. In any definition of intelligence we would consider them highly intelligent.

    On the flip side someone may be completely filled with curiosity about the world, but lack the intelligence to read or write.

    Technically that is a learned skill, this is why intelligence is really a fairly useless measure. What is intelligence? Memorizing lots of facts? Having loads of education? A built in understanding of the world that others lack (common sense)?

    I think what really matters is that you find the thing in life where you fit, rather than worrying about how we measure up. I have known very intelligent people who were worthless human beings, and simple minded people who made the world more special every day. We focus too much on being smart, it is one of the least important attributes.

  • I know it is not your question but… Everyone says pockets for women’s fashion but that is not the most important. At least here in the US the most important is having proper sizes on clothes.

    For the most part men’s clothes let you pick things right. You know your waist and inseam for pants, and often have a proper size for shirts and collars.

    Women’s fashion often has no size other than the ambiguous s/m/l/xl indicator and teen/woman’s/plus often use the same tag to indicate wildly different sizes. On top of that, when close use a measurement it is not grounded in reality, so a 14 at one shop may be a 16 at another, and neither are a direct measure of your waist. Finally women’s pants only come in 3 lengths (petite, tall, or not specified) and it is difficult to find most combinations.

    The best thing we could do for fashion in any sex is to standardize sizes globally and make them all based on a tape measure measurement. That way you could buy 32x30 pants online knowing they will fit, no matter the brand.

  • A quick google search puts the middle class between $50k-$150k a year for a 4 family income. We’re closer to the top end of that but don’t have a lot of disposable income.

    • we live in a relatively small 3 bedroom house with a very tiny yard.
    • we buy used cars and keep them for ever. We just replaced our main car that we had for 20 years, with a 2017 model.
    • we typically go camping twice a year for vacation.
    • we give 15k away to charity every year
    • all our stuff is old, the one tv is 15 years old, we have a Nintendo switch for gaming, and our phones are 6 years old. We don’t remodel the house or buy new furniture.

    Our two luxuries are not thinking about money every day, and eating out more than we should. We both work so cooking is tiring.

    With all of that our savings is nothing to get exited about. Especially now that we have two kids in college. It is less than 10k.

    We could pay $10k a year to college without making a radical change, but it would be a real struggle.

    I’m not sure you know what middle class looks like, I think your assuming were rich. Obama has an interesting show on Netflix that looks at a few businesses and profiles the lower, middle, and upper class employees. It is an interesting watch and does a good job of showing just how much or little the middle class has.

    Finally I feel that low cost or free child care would be one of the best things the government could do. My wife wanted to stay home with the kids, so we struggled financially but did not need to worry about child care (we both made the same amount at the time, it cut our income in half). But we had plenty of friends struggling to pay the daycare. Being able to go back to school or work when you have kids would be a big plus to the economy, as well as a great way to help lower and middle class people get a small leg up. A great investment in my mind.

    In our state schools spend around $10k a year to keep a kid in public school. My guess is that kinder and daycare cost about the same. They only add a few extra years of schooling, so we’re talking a 20% increase in the school budget to let everyone have daycare after the first year.

  • I did not read the story, but I am upper middle class with two kids in college. I don’t know that discriminates is the right word, but college is a huge burden on middle class families. If your income is low enough then you qualify for federal aid, and the vast majority of scholarships are class/race/gender based so it is difficult to get much support for middle class students.

    My kids did qualify for a small merit based scholarship that the collage provided. But in spite of having very good grades, and very high SAT scores, neither got any other assistance.

    The reason I don’t call it discrimination is two fold.

    1. the assistance is there to try and help make it possible for lower income students to go to college. This is not a bad thing for our society and we should not be turning on each other crying unfair.

    2. the real problem is that college is unaffordable. If it cost $10k to get a 4 year degree then middle class parents would have little trouble paying for it. When it is closer to $50k-$100k, then that is out of reach and no one can really bear the cost.

    We need to focus on making colleges more affordable (probably by making them simpler, with less “perks”), and not focus on who gets the smaller slice of the pie.

  • I can envision a world where Nintendo has a certification program for smart phones. They could have minimum specs, a special security chip, and probably some tactile controls. This would allow them to more aggressively make cellphone games that feel like console games, without relying on third party controllers or using simplified controls.

    I don’t see them making a whole cell phone platform. OS development is not there strong suit, console makers have been fairly bad at this in the past (there focus is speed and minimal overhead).

    My guess is they will continue on with a switch style tablet for several more generations. Unless something new like AR or VR really takes off, I don’t see a lot of incentive to innovate anymore.

  • Loco-Roco for the PSP. As a game developer, I consider this to be the pinnacle of game development. It is completely original, uses only two buttons, super intuitive, yet your drawn into it and want to play for hours. It makes me sad that few have heard of it.

    Toy Story on the sega genesis (and snes) is a close second. It is actually a bit of a hot mess, each level is a completely different style of gameplay. But it is super rewarding to fight your way through to the end. And it showcases so many different styles of gameplay.