they/them, ona/ona

mi toki e toki pona

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • “uhh u gotta have some kind of wage slavery! lets just beg for the slave conditions to get just a little better! oh this person is saying we should abolish slavery?? ridiculous! dont they know nothing would ever get done in society??”

    i dont wanna argue with the crippled remains of the antiwork movement, bc it frustrates me to no end. but please read some antiwork theory before saying so much dumb shit all at once.

  • i mean, thats great! but the moneys gotta come from somewhere, and in most cases someone else is being exploited.

    most non-profits actually suffer from this issue where getting funding is the number one priority.

    the organization has to bend its methods to what will look good on paper vs what would actually be best for their cause

  • theres companies making money off of prison labor, if u want a not very subtle example. in the US, prisons are also for-profit institutions, making it even more insidious.

    then ur typical capitalist labor situation ofc. ur boss makes more off of their workers labor than their workers get paid. this “surplus value” is how bosses get richer than the ppl who work for them; all without having to do any actual work of their own.

    ow also landlords who rent housing to ppl for a price, often providing very little or even no maintenance at all for that building. this exploits peoples need of shelter for the landlords personal gain, as landlords squeeze as much money out of ppl as they can get away with (also for example, keeping security deposits for no good reason).

  • also german here. the demo i recently went to was cut short by police for no apparent reason.

    also many others are being blocked by the cops before they get to happen.

    this country is also raiding organizers homes and recently banned a group called “palästina solidarität duisburg” which organized protests as well.

    and its all happening in the name of what they call “staatsräson” or some vague ideas of chants like “from the river to the sea, palestine will be free” being antisemitic.

    lastly, the idea that cops give a shit abt following the law is ridiculous if u ask me