If you’re going by the comic, you only have 1 day. 18 and a half years for Covid, though.
If you’re going by the comic, you only have 1 day. 18 and a half years for Covid, though.
Framerate über alles.
Only George HW Bush.
I expect it won’t be that different and will remain niche for the foreseeable future. Works for me.
'Cause it’s absolutely loaded with sugar?
But I did look under x, multiple times! I just didn’t see it. So much for greater sensitivity to fine detail!
Trump is too psychotic to laugh at all, or genuinely smile, for that matter. The closest he gets is that goofy smug smirk.
I’ve never seen it referred to this way before. I’ve always seen it called the “British” or “British English” spelling of something.
Yeah, but it never went anywhere and by 2001 he wasn’t in politics again.
Realistically, what could a single person do to prevent either 9/11 or the Covid pandemic from happening? Not much.
Now, the assassination of a certain person who wasn’t in politics the time might do some good…
“Vroom, vroom!”
“Poor little guy starved to death.”
There’s always a market for people who want the latest and greatest thing, so they’ll make money off of it, but since most people will have the base model (even more than those who stuck with a base PS4, I imagine), all games will be designed with that in mind.
I imagine they’ll make money from the kinds of people who absolutely must have the latest and greatest available tech for everything. Personally, I wouldn’t bother even if money weren’t an issue.
Oh, in that case it only needs 9,213 slaps (delivered near-simultaneously) or a single slap at 1,490 mph.
Images are always tricky with the different ways people view Lemmy.
PS4 was $400 at launch. PS4 Pro was $400 at launch.
Obviously tech is getting more expensive to produce instead of cheaper now, but still, a $200 markup from the base price is pretty damn huge.
Here you go, way too fast
Do you have any other examples of it being used this way? “By Pretending Shot In Ear Again” is what I would have expected.