• 58 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Biden is acting more left than expected. Because when you run against an incumbent (when he ran against Trump) you run a center candidate. You then have that candidate for 8 years. Considering that, he’s pretty left with the green energy, trains, student debt, weed, drug prices, and yes unions, etc. I don’t blame him for stopping the rail workers from striking. A rail strike would be absolutely devastating for the economy.

  • BarqsHasBite@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    1 day ago

    In conclusion: of the dozens of times that you were dropped on your head as a child, how many would you say were deliberate?

    You’re a colossal idiot and/or delusional! 🥳

    Ah I skimmed through and see your jabs and insults. There’s no good faith discussion when you rely on this, so we’ll see what I respond to (and this will be my last reply, after I report your comment).

    Jimmy Carter didn’t just lose, he was unceremoniously punted the fuck out. That’s the left voters not showing up.

    Bill Clinton. What are you even suggesting? Charisma? He won because he went to the center. Many people here say he went right past center and went to the right. That’s what he had to do to find votes.

    Oh we had President Gore? You can talk about courts all day, we did not have President Gore. Thanks protest 3rd party voters!

    Oh you do another jab.

    Obama was broad “hope”, thinking that was enough after the wars. And after those wars that was all was necessary. And what did his first 2 years of ACA get him? Voters that didn’t show up for his years 3-8. AKA left voters didn’t show up.

    Oh you do another jab.

    Hilary after seeing voters not show up for Obama’s years 3-8 stuck her head a little left on the one issue that supposedly matters to logical leftists: Climate Change. And guess what: The. Left. Voters. Did. Not. Show. Up.

    And a big jab. Yeah this will be my last reply when you act like that.

    Biden, like i said when you run against an incumbent you run center. If he ran left, who know what would have happened.

    Oh yeah no subtleness there, you just go for insults. Definitely report and last reply. No logical discourse is possible. I’ll hurry this up and skip over the rest of your insults and whatever else.

    Yeah sure. The corporatist Dems are gonna go left if we just continue to reward them for being center-right to right wing 🙄

    I can say it again, they go center because they keep losing. They’ve lost 20 of the last 24 years. So they go to the center to find votes. Because guess what? left. voters. never. show. up.

    Since 1992? You mean when Clinton needed to go center to find voters after repeated dem losses?

    And since 1992: they’ve had control of all 3 houses for 6 years of the last 32 years. And you’re amazed that they’re forced to reach across the aisle to pass anything?

    They lost control in 3 out of 4 elections under Obama.

    Exactly. The ones after he’d started governing and running as a moderate rather than a progressive. You’re literally making my point for me.

    You mean the thanks that Obama got for the most progressive healthcare reform ever was, drumroll please, losing the house of representatives. AKA. the. left. never. shows. up.

    On to the next point. First you say:

    There is more than just the presidential election you know

    Wow, what a keen insight! I had no idea! 🙄

    Then you say:

    AKA the left voters never show up [after the first election].

    Except the left showed up 4 times for the one president who ran on unapologetically left wing economics from start to finish.

    Barely a line apart!

    And you wonder why I have to point out there is more than the presidential election! He was president, but he lost congress in 3 of the 4 elections. Obama’s reward for the ACA was the left not showing up to give him congress.

    More jabs from you.

    Dems have so little control because they compromise and become GOP Lite, which isn’t what voters want.

    Again, they go to the center to find votes. When they lose elections, they go to the center to find votes. Because center is worth double and, wait for it, those are the voters that show up.

    You want leftists to change this? Then you/leftists have to make sure Dems don’t lose. Because, drumroll please, when they lose they go to the center to find votes.

    Dem voters want someone further left

    You’re the one that has this backwards. You/they won’t get it when Dems keep losing elections. Because when they lose they go to the center. That’s all there is to it. They aren’t going to court the left voters that never show up. They are going to court the center voters that do show up.

    Thus what leftists can do: Show up. And vote for Dems.

    This is why there are so many of these sayings: You walk before you run. You stick your toes in before you take the plunge. All of those.

    Whenever the Dems stick their toes in, they lose. What’s that definition of insanity? Doing the same thing twice and expecting different results. (Except in this case it’s like double insanity, going even further and expecting different results.) The results are: the. left. voters. never. show. up.

    That’s not how it works. They aren’t going to go further left when they constantly lose when they go a little bit. That’s why there’s so many of those sayings: Walk before you run, and all those.

    Ok gotta speed things up and I’m mostly repeating anyway.

    You’re describing maybe .001% of the population there. That’s not what the left is doing.

    What the ever loving freak is this? You keep going on about how they just need to run left and they’re going to get all these votes. And then you say there’s no voters there on the left? Are you saying that the centrists are suddenly going to vote for them? They are centrists by definition.

    It’s just like above about the presidential and congress elections.

    Do you want the Dems to move left?

    Obviously. Unlike you.

    In conclusion: of the dozens of times that you were dropped on your head as a child, how many would you say were deliberate?

    Oh more jabs and insults. That about wraps up the bad faith and insults from you. Again, this is my last reply and your comment is reported.

  • BarqsHasBite@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    1 day ago

    Ok Obama and ACA (or more broadly his first two years). He likely reached out for two reasons. One: he wanted to mend the divisions after Bush’s disastrous wars. Get the country unified and back on track and all that jazz. Two: any intelligent candidate knows it’s unlikely they’re going to have control of Congress for all eight years, so he wanted to come off as reasonable and could be worked with, so that he could still accomplish things later in his presidency. I barely blame him for that. Who knew that the GOP was going to explode and become obstructionist to that degree because a half black man got elected. (BTW Biden learned from that and said nuts to it, he’s doing what needs to be done. Biden ran center, but is acting left. Let’s see if it costs him the election when left voters don’t turn out.)

    And what was the thanks for the most progressive healthcare legislation? He lost control for the next 6 years. And then the GOP tried their hardest to overturn it. (So no, not a watered down Republican healthcare policy. They fucking hate it.)

    pressure with the power of the people

    It’s congress. The house or reps and the senate. It’s not the people, it’s congress. That’s why Obama couldn’t do much for his last 6 years. He lost control of the house of reps and the senate.

    And to further prove this point, congress even shut down the fucking government under obama. That’s where the power is. Bernie or obama or bill clinton, doesn’t fucking matter. It’s CONGRESS.

    Democrats could do the same thing,

    Dems need all 3 of presidency, house of reps, and senate to pass anything. They’ve had all 3 for 4 years of the last 24 years. And when they don’t have that they need to reach across the aisle to do something as basic as pass a budget.

    The GOP needs only one of those to block literally everything. That’s mostly what the GOP wants to do: Block progress. Hit the big giant pause button on society. And they can do that with only 1 of those, which they’ve had for 20 years of the least 24 years.

    That’s the unfortunate reality of progress. Progress takes all 3 houses. Progress takes time, effort, and hard work.

    Stagnation (or regression) requires fuck all.

    So no, the Dems can’t go left like the GOP goes right. If you want things to go left, then you need to give Dems consistent and overwhelming victories on all 3 houses.