Until we reach that point, we need to dedicate time to remind society that it is being ignored.
Also known as snooggums on midwest.social and kbin.social.
Until we reach that point, we need to dedicate time to remind society that it is being ignored.
This country is the worst. Buildings and monuments and other sites are named after traitors and those who try to run the government into the ground because we learn absolutely nothing.
Yes, if you ignore the obvious signs that they are in poverty and bordering on homelessness it is a great message.
When I say something is “wrong” I mean something that is not like the average individual of that species…
Being different is not the same as being wrong. That view is the foundation of racism and bigotry.
I’ve never said anything negative about gays or trans people.
You called them ‘wrong’ in this thread, so yes you have. That is an extremely negative thing to say.
I guess I should call it a mental differentiator instead of a mental disorder.
Or you could just stop trying to come up with a label that tries to separate them from the general populace. Maybe you should stop talking about them at all and spend time observing how they see themselves and how society treats them negatively by focusing on how they are different as if being different was inherently a bad thing.
Being gay to the point of not having any interest in the other sex is clearly a mental disorder too…
So there’s this thing called nature where tons of species have members that have same sex partners because it is actually a completely normal thing. Humans happen to be one of them. Not every single member of a species puts reproduction as the highest possible priority as long as enough do to maintain the population.
In fact, the vast majority of things we consider to be mental disorders are only categorized that way because they cause disruption to people’s lives without an outside influence, and being gay is only disruptive due to outside pressures by bigots and small minded people who consider it ‘wrong’.
The audience has its own self selection bias, as it is people interested in seeing the movie. That is the best group to rate whether the target audience is satisfied with the end result.
I only look at audience for horror and comedy.
For critics, yeah I think it is 16%er but that is because critics are looking for different things in movies than the audience who wanted to see the movie.
There are a ton of comedies where the critic ratings are low but the audience is high.
Grandma’s Boy 15 critic 85 audience was the one that is at the top of my head. Hot damn that is a spread, and I am with the audience.
I still think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen got unfairly dragged. 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.
It is a pretty mediocre movie overall, but it is just a lot of fun and I have watched it a dozen times.
You are thinking of unhealthy. Between healthy and unhealthy are neutral things that our body simply processes and expels as long as we don’t get oo much. The whole point of discouraging any consumption of alcoholic drinks is to counter the myths that alcohol provides health benefits.
A small amount of alcohol on occasion doesn’t cause harm to the body. It is processed and expelled. That is why fermented foods, which contain trace amounts of alcohol, are not unhealthy.
Most spices aren’t healthy in the way that the majority of people use the word for food. They don’t provide nutrients our bodies need. Pepper doesn’t improve our health, but it doesn’t harm us either in reasonable quantities. It is something our body simply expels, just like small amounts of many other things that our body processes and expels.
The point is that the level of alcohol that is not harmful is really low compared to what people think.
Love of money, as in greed, is the root of all evil.
Not being healthy for you isn’t the same as always being a detriment. There is a non-zero amount of alcohol that can be ingested without causing harm. Sometimes having a small amount of something that isn’t great for you, but makes you feel good is fine. A few sugary snacks occasionally is never healthy, but it also isn’t always harmful. Same with alcohol, having a small glass of wine to celebrate something a couple times a year doesn’t provide nutritional health benefits, but it also isn’t going to cause harm.
Na, fuck sugar, it’s as deadly as rat poison, a little won’t kill you but no amount is good for you and the only reason you are defending it is because you think it has some good traits and it doesn’t. Maybe it’s a good thing it’s hard to defend since it is literally poison. Try Pot or Lsd both are less harmful than Sugar and are more fun
Fixed that for you.
Two wolves deciding what will be for dinner without inviting the sheep.
This would be profound if Carly and Rodney were guaranteed free healthcare, UBI, and other minimum requirements for living ao that being happy with what you have isn’t crushed by chronic illnesses and endless debt.
4d chess jokes aren’t funny anymore.
Holy hell that is hilarious on multiple levels.
So not closed off as in non-federated, just invite only? So a barrier like the ones that have applications, but based on something other than fiktering who joins the community?
Not only is that counter to the entire point of federation, but invite only approaches only works for closed systems. Nobody is going to wait for an invite when they can just join any server.
Using invites as in outreach to spread awareness without being a silly restriction, sure. Maybe aim at getting people’s interest by promoting some server. But exclusive invites makes zero sense. At best it might work on people who are already here who want a very specific server in their name, not attract new users.
Wrftf is rehabilitation?
I wanna punish and increase recidivism!