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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 30th, 2023


  • I’m excited with how much steam/momentum Vivek Ramaswamy is getting. He’s the first politician running under the Republican party that I know would actually be GREAT for the country since Ron Paul. There are literally no other candidates in the two major parties that are worth their weight in a sneeze.

    Edit: How do I already have three downvotes less than one minute after posting this? What kind of bot bullshit do we have going on here? I can’t imagine people are THAT blinded by their biases.

  • That’s not the only way. Simply refuse 100% of the time to ever buy a vehicle where you have to get a subscription for nothing of value added. We have ALL the power here and we don’t need guns (well, laws, ie men with guns who will force you into a cage if you don’t comply) to enforce it, just don’t be an idiot an buy one of these vehicles. I’ll buy nothing but used cars without subscriptions if it becomes impossible to get a new one without bullshit subscriptions.

    The demand is clearly high, so if it gets bad enough I guarantee another car company is going to start up and do things better, taking business away from idiots who try shitty practices for a short-term gain and a long-term loss.

    Or at least if we’re going to add a law, we need to take away two useless laws, as we have FAR too many.

  • The problem with talking about China is how hard it is for any news to get out of that country that they don’t want you to see. I dated for a long time and nearly married someone from the Chinese mainland, and the stories are so sickening of how easy it is to get ‘disappeared’ I mostly blocked them from my memory. Of course Winnie the Pooh (Xi Xinping) has made things considerably worse and worse so I try not to even think about what they pull now, particularly with their infinite number of cameras and AI face recognition to make it impossible for you to be free in any way.

    People have tried to protest several times there, but of course the CCP is quick to act against and disappear anyone with that kind of behavior. So a few months ago they had a more covert protest (though obviously it’s going to get found out about) where they simply held up blank pieces of paper as a sign of protest, since they knew they weren’t allowed to say anything bad about the CCP without serious repercussions. Good luck trying to find anyone who did that, as the government went after them and also put some other ridiculous measure in place that I can’t recall off the top of my head.

    If you have legit friends in China though, then you can get the skinny on what really goes on over there. Assuming they’re not too scared to even tell you in code since everything is constantly being monitored. They’re disturbingly close to a richer North Korea at this point unfortunately. Definitely don’t believe anyone saying that censorship and detainment isn’t constantly happening though. Criticize the CCP while in China? Good luck ever escaping, and if you have any close friends/family they will absolutely be used as hostages. The CCP will do absolutely everything they can to look good in the public light though, so their extreme tight control over information prevents us from hearing about so many things, and any accident caused by their shoddy construction, if it does get reported, will be said to have a casualty count of 18, when in reality 300+ casualties would be the very minimum possible death toll by the most optimistic possible estimates (like awhile back when an underwater tunnel flooded and you could physically see and count at least five times as many dead bodies from stealth-footage taken than the reported death toll actually was).

  • Why? I’m sure there are some vocal extremists who will shit on anything Biden does, but I know quite a few republicans and all them support this move. Do democrats and republicans really live under the illusion they’re so different from one another instead of almost exactly the same like they are?

    I used to be a republican when I was young, mostly because they understand economics better, but then later I found myself disagreeing with them on social/censorship/privacy issues. One side wants to impede freedom one way, and the other wants to impede it the other way, that’s when I realized that both parties are hypocritical by nature. And I doubt it was knowingly designed this way, but all either side ever does is end up growing government and removing freedoms aside from the rare big wins towards actual liberty.

    Didn’t mean to go into rant mode, it’s just annoying to me when democrats call republicans stupid or vice-versa. No, neither side is stupid. They have reasons for their beliefs, and while they do go through mental gymnastics to convince themselves their platform isn’t hypocritical, they’re both still coming from a place of trying to improve the world. But you bring that up and then people will use “whataboutism” all day to point to specific examples that seem particularly indefensible on one side or the other. This then makes productive discussion impossible. We all need to acknowledge that the “other” side aren’t heartless bastards who don’t care about the rich or who don’t know how money works or whatever ignorant complaint you have, actually take time and learn.

    Edit: Truth struck much too hard for many people lmao

  • sweetnumb@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldsubs > dubs
    10 months ago

    Fate/Zero and Psycho-Pass are two good examples where the dub is superior to the subtitled version. They mess up some of the meanings in the subtitled versions, like in Fate/Zero when Saber first appears. In the dub she says “are you worthy, to be my master?” Which is definitely the intended meaning especially once you get further into the show and know how she is, but the subtitles just say “are you my master?” which makes her seem not quite like a dumbass… but it does make you go “wtf kind of question is that?” Not to mention the actual performances. Gilgamesh’s dub voice actor is absolutely perfect for that role, and while the Japanese voice actor is good, he just doesn’t compare.

    Similar things with Psycho-Pass. All the meaning gets across pretty well in both version if I remember correctly, but Makashima’s English actor is irreplaceable for that character. His performance alone is worth watching the dub for and it’s just so much better, which is pretty difficult because I watched it subtitled first and I already loved it.

    I’m certainly not a subtitle hater though, as everyone knows there are plenty of examples where the dub is terrible in comparison. Then you have shows like My Hero Academia which are interesting, because on the Japanese side they have Tomura Shigaraki who is absolutely perfect for that role. Listening to him in dub is painful to me, as his Japanese voice actor is absolutely perfect in that role. Then on the other hand you have Twice, who isn’t as disappointing to listen to in Japanese as Tomura is in English, but Twice in the English dub is NOT a performance you want to miss out on. It was so annoying watching that show when the two were in scenes together, I’d often switch back and forth between dub and sub just to get the full awesomeness.

    All this is to say that it’s really on a case by case basis, and I’d suggest checking out both dub and sub early on (if both are available) that way you don’t get attached to the version you’re used to. Start right and give yourself the best experience from as early on as possible.

  • I tend to agree. Although as a counterexample for not singing in dub, I present to you Angel Beats. I watched the English dub of that and one particular song that the main singer of a band sings made me cry from how beautiful it was. I’m sure it still would have had an impact, but there’s no way it would have been as strong if they hadn’t dubbed that song. Granted, a large reason for the crying was the episode in general and learning the story of the singer, but it’s so fantastic in English that it seems like that was the only possible way it could be.