Thank you! This includes also non-lemmy/non-reddit-like sites, such as Mastodon, PeerTube etc, right? I tried to but couldn’t find in your link what is the share of Lemmy instances. EDIT, it took a while to load on my phone but actually there is a “pizza” diagram and lemmy is at about 3% or about 50k MAU as other reply stated. Thanks again!
So pretty much stagnant as of now?
I love it, I posted a playlist in this genre the other day, but I’m specifically talking about the retro-inspired EDM style, not the goth stuff that used to be called synth wave in the 80s (which includes dark wave but also things like Oppenheimer Analysis)
Great suggestions everybody! Many thanks
No AI or BS music in this list, only high quality synthwave and synthwave adjacent music. Enjoy!
These two, Brut and Perturbator, are today considered Dark Synth, heavier synthwave, while this playlist leans to the dreamy, ethereal side of the genre. Vangelis, Jarre etc. are there because despite being pre-synthwave, the music fits wonderfully. Enjoy!
No, real humans, I promise!
45k it is! Many thanks!