Uriel238 [all pronouns]

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • Part of the problem is the failure of patent offices to do due diligence. Granted, this was exacerbated by the lack of an electronic database that tracked prior patents, public domain stuff, and things declared too general to be patented by the courts.

    The project in the US to transfer old patents to digital and make them searchable is way underfunded and understaffed, and still is expected to take decades to finish.

    The thing is, big companies like being able to win IP cases just by outspending their opponents, so they lobby to keep IP law byzantine and draconian, and to install judges who are either ignorant or just will side with the bigger company.


  • In the aughts George W. Bush signed an executive order instructing the IRS not to enforce the restrictions on churches regarding political speech non-profits are not supposed to endorse parties or specific candidates, though they can talk about issues).

    After that dozens of right-wing political action committees and activism organizations redefined themselves as churches, what are now called parachurch organizations that are tax-free and political.

    So yes, it is already a laundering business taking advantage of Christian nationalist leadership who believes in loyalty over principle.

  • Here in the states, the social norm of taking personal responsibility for all our misfortune and lack of career opportunities allows our industrialists to take credit for propelling themselves to greatness (even when their inherited wealth did the heavy lifting).

    So yeah, a latchkey kid childhood (in which I was home alone, because all the adults in my house had to work) figures largely into my lifelong major depression. I suspect our intergenerational mental health epidemic here in the states is informed not only by intergenerational dysfunction (each generation taking the abuse of the previous and then abusing the next) but also by the isolation created by nuclear families without strong communities.

    Then there’s the matter that we humans tend to blame ourselves for trauma, as seen by studies of mothers who endured a miscarriage, and the disproportionate tendency to blame themselves for circumstances that could not have been affected by behavior (diet, attitude, whatever). Also people who survive the recently deceased often will look to themselves to see how circumstances of the death might have been changed.

  • Newton’s Long John Silver was a solid enough performance to warrant a sequel / spin-off, so TTAPD would be like a day to honor Bela Lugosi’s Dracula or even James Earl Jones’ Darth Vader.

    These people have absolutely made their mark on American culture.

    Black Friday, the shopping day is a gimmick taking advantage of an already popular shopping day. Not necessarily the most popular or most profitable or even the worst day for shopper shennanigans and violence. But then, it’s difficult for capitalist phenomena to not be turned into gimmicks used to market more sales.

  • In the rurals, we had need of a truck. Of course, it was an old beat up GM, and as a boy I got in trouble when I tossed a log of firewood into the bed of a shiny new ES truck (bigger than the GM) and missed, damaging its otherwise pristine body finish, which I’d later learn was costly to repair.

    It informed how I would eventually compute I, a suburban kid, was too unfamiliar with strange rural conventions for heavy labor.

  • Your cast iron pan isn’t driving you to use a shitload of extra fuel (electricity or natural gas) in this case, while it hangs on your wall waiting to be used.

    But having a giant truck instead of a low-pollution economy car does exactly that. Imagine if you had to lug your cast iron pan on your back everywhere you went. (Say if we were still migratory, as a society.) Then you’d be rethinking your cast-iron pan choices, if lighter options were available.

    Emotional support trucks are much like emotional support guns. The only thing they’re supporting (other than facilitating rampage killers and suicides) are emotions.

    TBF, because I think about this sort of thing, yes, here in the states, our boys are trained that they have to keep up manly appearances, we worship sports figures and deride intellectual prowess as super-villainy material, and these are issues for which ES Trucks and Guns (and rampage killings) are a symptom.

  • I’m even more baffled by your criticism that YT cares more about shareholders than creating an egalitarian society. Thats true of literally every business including the one you work for. YT never said they were trying to make society egalitarian. Where do you even get that shit from?

    The pissed-off engineers that develop effective adblockers, for which there remains robust support.

    Much like the west coast oyster monopolies of the 1880s that were scourged by oyster pirates, YouTube is fighting a losing battle.

    PS: I take you’re aware of the cord-cutting epidemic of cable television, yes?