I’m so mad! Here! Here’s everyone’s most important data! If you reveal it in a hacking attack, you better say sorry to every single American!
I’m so mad! Here! Here’s everyone’s most important data! If you reveal it in a hacking attack, you better say sorry to every single American!
Trump: Small price to pay for…
Advisor: Sir, the people were rich white assholes!
Trump: Such a tragic tragic loss! Hooch loss!
We should have a law dictating that airplanes shall not ever land upside down!
Happy endings paper from Kleenex to you!
Repeat after me!.. En-shit-ti-fication!
I believed what you’re trying to say is thank you?
What can I say except !You’re welcome!..
I propose having no covfefe available to neither pilots nor controllers. Also, all airplane flight alarms should call the pilot derogatory names.
That would help things tremendously. We are looking for ways to improve chaos right?
What a total asshole! For a selfie!
They’ll start deporting American citizens who haven’t paid their student loans. Back to America! To Guantanamo!
All office dudes are shaking in their pants.
Do not eat eggs! Specially the ones that keep climbing. It gives you bad cholesterol.
Its sad. I’m not getting even one “you got this”.
…Trump taking notes
Since he showed his face probably.
I love going to the SanDiego area swap meets. There are at least 3 big ones… National city, El Cajon and Oceanside. There, many people come haggle and barter to get used or grade B products. Maybe Trump should start there?
Anyone who has ever gone there knows that you don’t go for the jugular of your cash cow. If you’re a buyer, you wanna be a nice mosquito… Look around a few times to see what you wanna get, go elsewhere, and then come back. If you are selling, you don’t kill the mosquito, buy you know how much blood to give. As a buyer you find a thing you don’t want, which is similar to the thing you do want so you can trade down or somehow not show interest in the actual thing you want.
Now the entire world knows that Trump is an idiot and wants 50% of all natural resources. It could have been 90% of all uranium for example. Bug nah, look, here are all my cards! Take a good look see!
That’s Trump’s are of the deal and it’s ass. It doesn’t mater if he actually gets anything from it. Its ass. We lose, they lose, ruzzia wins. Maybe we should have a well trained Lego dealing kid to negotiate a better deal.
Trump will fight tooth and nail against the ruzzians…
Is this is true, then by this time we are all fucked. Like Monday someone checks their banking or retirement and it all gone. That’s gonna be a crazy day.
I hope they’re not using the actual SSN as the primary key. I hope its a big ass number that is otherwise unrelated.
Meanwhile China is probably getting ahead on all fronts. We’ll all be racist in Chinese soon.
Lol, my wife will finally have to go on a diet. Lol.
No I mean, now that I got caliber they block book downloads.
I can’t believe it! Are we all fucking retarded? This Dodge bag is breaking the country apart in realtime and no one in power is defending us from the attack. They literally had one job!