Instructions unclear, reverted to feudalism, defended literal, inherited pile of manure with violence
Instructions unclear, reverted to feudalism, defended literal, inherited pile of manure with violence
Ouhhhhh you saucy
I like you
Thank you. This post has haunted my brain on occasion over the years. I couldn’t remember the person’s reply, just the set-up and the joke. You have released me from my torment for the next two weeks until I forget again.
Go back into shower, resume task
Someone made a post about how they thought they could fight a bear, describing exactly the scenario in the image.
I remember when this reddit post came out, it was as wild as that imaginary bear. Forgive my reminiscence, but I think I made a comment like “dude shut up I wanna see him do it” to someone saying that he shouldn’t, and it got several upvotes. A dozen, even. It was nice
Took the L on this one
True. The start of the 1900s was no time for messin’ around and making babies. We had to go work in the mines
The statute of ligma
I’ve been pronouncing it all-e-glucky
It says with chill, but I see Calgary weather was not chill that day
You ever notice how Troy McLure breakdances like this, while Dr Zaius breakdances like this?
“Hey, I was wondering if you could help me figure something out. I was really flattered by your invite the other day, but I’m not interested in dating right now. I enjoy your friendship and I don’t want to jeopardize it. Is there a way we can comfortably set boundaries without ruining that?”
IMO this way you let them know you’re interested in maintaining a relationship but at a friendship level. You demonstrate that you care about their feelings while clearly establishing the need for specific boundaries.
Also, “Pierre” also means “rock” in french, so his name could be translated to “Stone Wolf Clawed”
Some people don’t want to conform to your leg-prisons to appease your draconian fashion sense
Is that Simon Templeman!?