Ethiopian and Indian are absolutely fabulous and are so much more interesting than fake chicken nuggets.
Ethiopian and Indian are absolutely fabulous and are so much more interesting than fake chicken nuggets.
There’s more than one reason to go vegan. It’s still better environmentally, for animal welfare, etc. If people need substitutes to make the transition, that’s ok. You say you don’t, that’s ok, too. Do what works for you and let others do the same.
No, you need adjust your expectations. She’s going to interrupt you. Stop taking it personally. That’s your issue, not hers. And don’t act like ADHD is a moral failing with that “improve ourselves” ableist crap. It’s a disability, not merely an inconvenience. If you actually have ADHD that’s bad enough to be diagnosed and medicated, you should know solutions that require sustained effort will never work. If that is a new concept to you, please watch this video, save yourself some mental burdens and negative feelings, and have a better relationship https://youtu.be/4gdpvLQjdrE
Is your wife doing it on purpose? If not, why do you get hurt by it? That seems like way more a you thing than a her thing because you’re placing unreasonable expectations on her to mitigate your negative emotions. The work of both changing her behavior (difficult) and managing your emotional state (impossible) are both put on her plate. That’s what I think is crappy about how you’re describing it. Using your BPD example, it would be like you handing your credit card to somebody in a manic episode and expecting no charges on it and then feeling betrayed and blaming that feeling on the other person when that expectation is unmet. Put a credit limit on the card. Do some CBT about your feelings.
Yep, definitely better than pooping back out the mouth.
I don’t think having symptoms is rude in the same way I don’t think being an amputee is rude or being depressed is rude. Putting that you feel undervalued on your partner because of their symptom is something I would, however.
For me, it’s draining the the point of not being able to do further mental effort for hours after. If you told me to give up my day to reassure, amuse, or otherwise tend to you, I’d tell you to take a hike.
I feel sorry for your wife for being looked down upon as rude for not being able to meet your standards and for not being partnered with somebody that can feel empathy for her.
I’m not quite sure how to say this without coming off as a jerk, but I don’t think it’s admirable that you want others to choose their own discomfort over yours.
Edit: Figured out a better way to say it: Please don’t come into an ADHD community and praise people for how normal they can be because you don’t like when they’re not normal.
Get the other vehicle with the brushed metal exterior.
Not doing this is one of the masking behaviors that drains me the most and why I hate being involved in conversations of 4 or more people.
It often also takes the ability to tease out what things the code is connected to and organizing that information in ways that are useful for making changes without breaking everything.
My local one has a time traveler weekend (I presume others do, too). Trek has time travel, Star Wars does not, but there’s always Storm Troopers etc. Dr Who shows up a bunch, too, which also makes sense.
Now that I think about it, I really want to see a herd of those inflatable T-Rex costumes for it…
Well yeah, presumably for any given threesome, the pov is going to be two behinds at some point, but it doesn’t matter if you’re the left behind or the right behind or long as everybody’s enjoying themselves.
That’s why I couldn’t get into a lot of the newer Trek stuff. Older stuff felt aspirational, but the newer stuff did not.
That does usually prevent future invites, too.
There is an uncensored version of the egg. Buttholes aren’t censored in JAV until contact or penetration, thus implying this egg is getting railed.
Just say you gotta shit then leave without saying goodbye to anybody.
I’ll take ten
Impulse control issues.
Comorbidity! Yay.