While I’m waiting for more nozzles to arrive in the mail, I’d thought I’d ask the new community here for their thoughts on my issue with the Swiss Micro All-Metal hot-end. Since upgrading to it, I haven’t noticed a remarkable difference between it and the stock one in terms of nozzle wear and clogs. I’ve reassembled it, I believe twice now just to make sure everything is to spec installation-wise. I also haven’t ruled out human error and have tried adjusting settings like retraction, as well as trying to not leave filament in it while cooling down. However, the nozzles and heating block still are covered in blackened goo, and the nozzles only last for about a month (with fairly light, and infrequent use).

I should also mention, I’m not using exotic filaments or crazy combos, just PLA or PLA+ kept in dry, sealed storage.

  • terawatt@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If you are experiencing leaking around the nozzle and heating block, you probably have not properly seated the nozzle. Remember to not completely tighten the nozzle until it’s been heated to a higher temperature (say 250C) then completely tighten to get a good seal.

    When you say light use before nozzle changes are you seeing the nozzle hole get larger or the tip worn down?

    • LeftEndDev@slrpnk.netOP
      1 year ago

      I may do another complete disassemble and reinstall again just to triple check. And the nozzle appears the same just clogged and dirty