A comet is set to pass by Earth this spring, and it may be missing its tail.

The comet poses no danger to Earth—it is about the same distance from our planet as we are from the sun—but scientists need images of C/2021 S3 Pannstars from amateur astronomers to improve forecasts of space weather. These forecasts are vital to prevent problems caused by solar winds, which are streams of particles containing solar storms that can damage technology in space and on Earth.

Sarah Watson, the University of Reading Ph.D. researcher leading the project, said, “What we are expecting to see may look rather unusual. When we talk about comets, people often think of a large, bright sphere followed by a long thin tail.”

“The comet we are observing may look different as its tail could ‘detach’ as it is buffeted by solar winds.”

“We need lots of timed photos of the comet to build up a picture of its journey through our solar system. This is a fantastic opportunity for amateur astronomers to get out their telescopes, capture a truly spectacular cosmic moment, and make a big contribution to some important science.”