I can’t really think of a reason for that as Reddit is hated somewhat equally by “both” sides of the spectrum. It’s just something I find interesting.

  • Historical_General@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Japanese women are not particularly free compared to similar wealthy nations.

    But you are forgetting history - those countries had their own brands of capitalist expansionism within living memory. They both had periods of time pre-World Wars where they homogenised themselves: Germany formed a nation state out of smaller states and kingdoms, while Japan did similarly, as well as forcefully assimilating it’s Ainu ethnic minority groups. As a result of this, a powerful centralised state was able to direct the development of the economy as well as their respective society. Initially fascists exploited this. Then as the US, Soviets and other Western powers repudiated them, they were made to adopt the liberal capitalist model that they’d been on the path towards pre-World Wars.

    The Middle East on the other hand has been under the boot of european puppet masters. Iran’s democratic PM was couped (1953), in Afghanistan the Taliban was funded by the US against a secular progressive leader, and in Saudi Arabia, their royal family were puppets for Europeans (UK) and for decades now, the US.

      • Historical_General@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Are you a child?

        You appear to be somewhat progressive from your other comments, but you have a wierd blindspot when it comes to religion. You apparently defend black people but don’t realise that minority religious groups can and often have been racialised and attacked in similar ways to how a minority group would be. This is strange behaviour.