And unfortunately is getting more online traffic recently.

    6 months ago

    the most obvious difference is that the soviet union and china are massive government entities.

    Most anarchists don’t really give a shit about much outside of the general tenants of anarchist structure. I for example like it because it’s like libertarianism but if it wasn’t stupid, and it’s also equally as much of a shitpost. Personally i believe anarchy is the state of government between two significant governmental entities, i don’t believe that anarchy holds a true state of power, merely an independent one.

    I think that’s where its strength lies, it can be extremely decentralized and extremely productive when correctly utilized. It can very quickly spring up where needed, and very quickly break down when something more complete shows up to the party. It’s a lot more relevant on the individual to individual basis, as opposed to governments which often tend to overreach or extend past what they realistically should be doing. So it’s a nice stand in in that regard.

    one thing i’ve noticed, is that a lot of “tankies” will be kind of, stupid for lack of a nicer term, they might believe that the russian government is the best, or the russian military is the strongest in the world for example. Which is not only silly, but arguably wrong. Anarchists don’t generally do this kind of thing. We’re a lot less directly ingrained with these sorts of power structures on a fundamental level.

    Granted a lot of us are political active, as is the norm for political types, like i said we aren’t extremely attached to any one thing. I’m sure there are people in my instance who would disagree with what i’ve said, but that’s part of anarchism IMO. It doesn’t really ascribe anything in particular.

    you can also look into this instance specifically, as it’s anarchy adjacent. There’s some fun stuff over here.