Not seeing any new content for the last few hours, figured I would make a note of it.
May still be happening. I’ve switched to talking to a paper bag for the time being
I wondered about that. I made a thread about 5 hours ago and it didn’t make it out of Fedia’s…um…bubble.
Looking a bit weird again now?
Yep, just noticed that, too. Got an error earlier posting a thread on a local magazine but didn’t think anything of it. Now it makes sense., just FYI.
Rabbitmq was b0rked. I fixed it a few hours ago. Let me know if you see more issues.
Not fixed, comments not doing their thing.
I’m not seeing any issues - can you give me some examples?
They just started to federate around 7-8 hours ago but it was a day behind until then.
Think it might be busted again.
This is at the top of my active feed if it helps
You’re on the same instance.
I’m aware, but just wanted the OP to know that at least posting there worked in case they had no other good way to check.
But there’s no federation involved when you’re on the same instance.
Again, I’m aware of that. I wanted the OP to know that at least the most basic part of their posting was fine and visible. I don’t know if it were ever in doubt, but thought I’d just say something since I opened my browser and saw the post.
Comments are not federating. I’m just talking to myself I guess.
Whatever it is, it must be fixed, as it has federated all the way to my little instance.
Happening right now. I post comment thru fedia and 2 hours later not showing in don’t know what else I can provide as proof.
Comments posted on are federating instantly to fedia so it’s a one way issue.
Took 3 hours for comments to federate this morning.