What are you trying to do when you say that, like a parent trying to make their child brush their teeth? Do you HONESTLY think anyone here isn’t aware that dental hygiene is important and hasn’t tried a billion ways (including begging and pleading with themselves) to get themselves to do this normal thing that normal people do with ease? Don’t you think the problem MIGHT lie elsewhere, in this community about a neurodivergence? Do you need to read up on what ADHD is?
i dont need to read up on what ADHD is, i fucking have it
just speaking from experience, getting called out on stank ass morning breath made brushing my teeth every morning a surefire routine I almost never miss, just trying to help you from what i already went through
no it doesnt and no i dont, youll have to be clearer than that. why is it bad to say? i think its worse going around with shit breath than to tell someone to remember to brush their teeth in the morning
“Just do it” is what neurotypicals say when they want to give advice. “Just exercise more”, “just do yoga”, “just make a list”, “just take out the trash everyday”, “just put it away after you use it”, “just fix your sleep”, “just make an effort”, “just be normal”. It’s not advice, it’s unhelpful and talking down to a child.
Honestly weird that you say you haven’t encountered it.
Hi, I too forget to brush my teeth but I downvoted you because you’re being patronising as fuck. Have a nice day.
whats patronizing by saying please brush your teeth?
What are you trying to do when you say that, like a parent trying to make their child brush their teeth? Do you HONESTLY think anyone here isn’t aware that dental hygiene is important and hasn’t tried a billion ways (including begging and pleading with themselves) to get themselves to do this normal thing that normal people do with ease? Don’t you think the problem MIGHT lie elsewhere, in this community about a neurodivergence? Do you need to read up on what ADHD is?
i dont need to read up on what ADHD is, i fucking have it
just speaking from experience, getting called out on stank ass morning breath made brushing my teeth every morning a surefire routine I almost never miss, just trying to help you from what i already went through
Good job, this worked for you. It doesn’t work for others.
still no excuse to be rude and patronizing to someone trying to help
What you said boils down to “just do it”. You recognise why that’s a bad thing to say, yeah?
no it doesnt and no i dont, youll have to be clearer than that. why is it bad to say? i think its worse going around with shit breath than to tell someone to remember to brush their teeth in the morning
“Just do it” is what neurotypicals say when they want to give advice. “Just exercise more”, “just do yoga”, “just make a list”, “just take out the trash everyday”, “just put it away after you use it”, “just fix your sleep”, “just make an effort”, “just be normal”. It’s not advice, it’s unhelpful and talking down to a child.
Honestly weird that you say you haven’t encountered it.