Get their head in the game.
Get their head in the game.
Swedish. Sweeeedish. Sweeeeeeeee-dish.
Probably procrastinate for 48hrs.
My bum is all alone
Ours appears to have 2 settings. If you press the timer once, it just counts down. If you press a second time, it will turn off after the designated time.
Your painting has more of a “say what again” expression.
Can you not heat it up, and then pour out?
Make the dents everywhere, and no one will know
I’d kill for a cheeseburger!
He could’ve used that instead to gauge whether his workforce is happy, and then try to change things if it turns out they want to leave. It wouldn’t be the right way to do it, but at least it would show some leadership. Instead, he’s just a complete douchebag that has no empathy for his workers, and expects undying loyalty.
I saw slanted parking for the first time in an underground garage. It was so much easier to park and get out. I guess they probably lose one parking spot on each row with it, but technically the rows can be narrower.
Before my dog got to food outside once, I gave her the “leave it” command, and she came over instead for her treat. What a good girl. Then after her treat, she lunged towards the food and gulped it down in one swift move.
That’ll do pig. That’ll do.