Everyone has one. lets try to recognize and be grateful of what we have!
I’m white and can pass as a straight man if I try hard enough.
I have excellent time sense. I could set a 15min timer on the kitchen microwave, then go into another room. Often I’ll get up and walk into the kitchen just as the timer beeps. Useful, but hard to monetise. Oh, and white privilege.
The human timer
Eventually I get to die and my suffering will end.
My hair turns copper-gold in the summertime when I’m out in the sun for a few days in a row.
Thats rad!
i live on one of the richest, most developed countries in the world with a good social system and universal healthcare and retirement.
I don’t feel any part of me that itches to make posts like this on the internet, and I appreciate that advantage.
I don’t have any part of me that itches
Fuuuuck now that’s a god tier advantage.
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i have a decent understanding of unix-like systems.
Will certainly come in useful if you end up in a Jurassic Park type situation!
yes, i plan to find myself in one.
“This is a UNIX system, we leant about this in school!”
Such a classic line which I couldn’t imagine Hollywood coming out with now. I believe the GUI they use is a real one from the early 90s as opposed to CGI from the special effects team.
I’m seriously lucky, to the point it has been a running joke among my friend group!
It doesn’t manifest itself as “everytime I gamble, I win”, but more subtly. Finding dollar bills on the ground, having unexpected discounts, getting a dream job, …
I can usually unscramble 5- or 6-letter words on sight.
err can you elaborate?
I think you meant to say “Can you bletaoera?”
Does that extend to filling in missing letters, like Hangman or crosswords?
Well I’m pretty good with those but can’t do them at a glance.
20-something English-speaking cis hetero white American male, stable supportive family I keep strong ties with, four-year university STEM degree, gainfully employed at a low-stress job full of people I like that affords a comfortable, reasonably above modest lifestyle, no outstanding debts, no severe health issues or crippling disibilities.
I’ve certainly won more than my fair share of cosmic lotteries, all things considered.
Only thing I guess I’m missing is a partner, which is entirely due to my own lack of effort. So far sailing solo hasn’t bothered me any. But I do occasionally daydream about what I might be missing out on…
I literally have nothing, bruh. Reading this thread reminded me that I am trulu the inferior being.
Nah impossible, at the very least you have either eyes or ears that works to be able to view this thread. Thats an advantage that some might lack
I’m not convinced that’s a plus. Really feels like ignorance is bliss nowadays
I guess my point is that its generaly better to focus on what you have rather what you lack.
I’m white, my family is middle-ish class, I don’t pay rent.
White, male privilege.
A motivated person? Crazy
Yeah nothing to be proud of but I can’t discount how powerful this one is, now that I’m “woke” to it.
Like I have worked for people for years and just not known they were racist or sexist, only for them to let it slip. And then you see behind the mask.
Realising why there are no people of colour in my office, or women with any kind of power. Realising I would not have this job if I was not a white man.
As a queer person, it feels even weirder. Like I’m a spy and my cover could be blown at any moment.
Welcome to being “high functioning” autistic, which is basically an undercover assignment from birth where if you slip up suddenly you have enemies.
Nobody, literally zero people, will acknowledge treating autistic people differently but holy shit.
I’ve never felt like someone might kill me if they learn I am on the spectrum. I have felt that way if they found out I fuck dudes.
Actively kill me? No. But take away my ability to earn money? Yes. Fortunately our society has safety nets for people who are expunged from groups, so in our civilization it’s not killing to kick someone out of the group.
Even as a straight I kinda feel that way sometimes, all theses assholes keep telling on themselves to me. It’s also depressing how many of them there are
The number of times I’ve been “accused” of being gay just because I don’t have a problem with homo couples. Sometime in the 200Xs I stopped correcting people and went with “so what if I am gay” which added a real satisfying record scratch moment to arguments.
Let them believe I’m gay if they want, it’s none of their fucking business, and they should be aware there are queer folk in stealth mode literally in every aspect of their lives.
I also like to act like I have no clue what the punchline of the racist\sexist\homophobic\hateful joke they are making is, having them explain it out loud gets em really awkward
Yes! Weaponized naivety is a powerful tool.
I feel that. I’ve got a very serious redneck thing going on. I hunt, fish, dress like I just got off work at the ranch (that’s true sometimes), and raise a lot of hell. I know why they think I’m one of them. It’s depressing some days because it’s almost like people can’t wait to say fucked up shit as soon as they meet me.
Never underestimate the power of a white man saying “that’s some fucked up shit bro” to another white man
I use that power. I say things ranging from “Dude, that’s not ok” to “Are you fucking stupid or something?” if I’m looking to get their attention.
I’ve also pulled out “You know my cousin is black, right?” (true statement) and “That’s my sister” (untrue statement). When you make it personal they get real uncomfortable and start apologizing.
That’s nothing compared to good looks. Opens literally all doors in life. Secret cheat code.
I hate it when you see those images on other SM of poor white people and some knuckle dragger says “I see no white privilege here”.
Why do you hate that?
Because white privilege doesn’t mean you were born rich, it means you have to work harder for the same or less.
Did you ever use it?
It’s not something you actively use, it is just “there.”
For example: I applied to a job as a refrigeration technician and during the interview the guy actually fucking said “it’s really hard to get clean cut white guys to apply. I don’t want some Dominican (literally referring to their Dominican maintenance guy) walking into a store with our logos on.”
I had finished a tech school with some other black guys that I know also applied, I got the job and they didn’t. :/
I bet that interviewer cheers like crazy when a Dominican player hits a home run for their favorite team, LOL.
Nah, if you aren’t a magat, they revoke your privilage anyways.
If cops know you support any ideology left of Biden, they will shoot you too. We’re in this together.
Yeah, I guess left-leaning white males are just as underprivileged and oppressed as people of color and women. We should rename it to “conservative white male privilege.”
I know you’re joking, but queer white men exist, and they also face oppression.
It’s almost like the system that keeps us all oppressed actually doesn’t give a shit about these marginal differences, and just wants to keep us focused on identity politics and fracturing ourselves.
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Been there, wasn’t that great.
I never felt the need to compare myself to others. aka, I’m competing with no one but myself.
I consider that a huge advantage, but who knows maybe I’m wrong.
In what context is that an advantage?
Def is a huge advantage! Once you stop caring about others you can properly improve your self. A lot of people never does.