I did not see this published outside of India. But not sure why. It’s all based on Xitter.
Depressed you say? Go on Elon, follow your leader.
He’s a ketamine abuser, so it checks out.
Short-term side effects of ketamine use may include headache, dizziness, sleepiness, feeling strange or “loopy,” difficulty speaking, numbness, blurred vision, or nausea. Ketamine may also cause changes in blood pressure and heart rate.11
Studies show that unsupervised ketamine use may have serious health risks.1 These include respiratory depression, which is dangerously slow and shallow breathing. A NIDA-funded study found that problems related to ketamine use reported to poison control centers increased 81% from 2019-2021. The use of other drugs along with ketamine, especially opioids or GHB, another club drug, led to the most health problems, some of them life-threatening.12
Long-term, heavy ketamine use is associated with memory problems, depression, and anxiety.13 At high doses, ketamine may cause psychosis, a mental illness that causes a person to lose touch with reality. Frequent recreational ketamine use can lead to delusions that can last to up to one month after a person stops using it.14
Long-term use of ketamine may cause gastrointestinal problems, including abdominal pain sometimes called k-cramps5. Ketamine use can also cause ketamine-induced uropathy, a treatable but potentially serious condition that causes symptoms like those of a urinary tract infection.15,16
From NIDA.
Maybe he ought to do himself and us a favour and just… delete himself.
A mad king you say…
ive been living with a combination of drugs depression and stress for most of my life and im not a megalomaniac asshole billionaire hellbent on destroying the country…
Yeah that’s the key takeaway.
A billion dollars turns you into some kind of Duke, or Landed Noble.
Where you can like… buy a small army, take over a country, that sort of thing.
Billionaires shouldn’t exist.
But if you had money, you might just be.
Broke ass cant even destroy the world with his depression
I did not see this published outside of India. But not sure why. It’s all based on Xitter.
American media is 50% terrified of criticizing him and losing access, and 50% complicit.
I must imagine it is quite stressful to be the single most hated person on the planet. Then again, I think that would be easy to remedy by simply not being a fascist fuckwit.
Homeboys scams are coming to an end and those will destroy him, so he is trying to destroy America instead and has found useful greedy idiots to help.
Cool, i hope he has a painful and debilitating aneurysm during a live interview in the Oval.
Stop, my penis can only get so erect.
Only if he also soils himself.
Hopefully he offs himself before his DOGE takes full control of a nuclear silo.
He’ll be replaced by another billionaire, with their own agenda.
That’s probably true but it would still be semi cathartic to see Musk off himself
I mean it would set an example
An example of what, being too lenient? Protesting will become illegal by then and you’ll be picking up cotton…
Cool. Get fucked asshole.
Well said, and may I add, with a rusty reamer
Jaggedy for his pleasure. Better add diy reaming lube…mix hot pepper powder in lemon juice and vinegar. Mix with honey for a pasty texture that sticks.
Goddam. That’s an old, big, reamer. Looks like it’s for hand reaming wood. Modern reamers for metal are very different.
The funny thing is, that’s the perfect tool to ream a bunghole for a good fit for a plug.
Praying for the worst for him. 🙏
Given how this douche canoe acts, and the damage he’s done lately, I just hope he finds himself in a very slow, painful decline and maybe he’ll snap while in the oval office with first lady Trump.
Can we get a fast painful decline? Minimize how much harm he does to… everyone?
If he could decline in such a way that utterly destroys the United States empire, Israel, and Russia while causing minimal harm to the working class and oppressed minorities that would be great.
Honestly. I’d be happy with decline at 3200 feet per second from 400 yards.
The russki bungee jump?
World competition window jumping
Truly the only therapy that will work for the FElon.
No no no… we want a very RAPID decline to minimize the damage. If he were on his own, it’d be different but this is a time I’d rather minimize the suffering for everyone.
I’m still down for the painful one at least.
Wealth doesn’t heal old wounds. You can be the most powerful man in the world and not feel in control.
He needs a good therapist not a biographer.
Just when I was starting to feel some sympathy for him I googled “Elon Musk therapy” and this was the first thing to come up…
“Guys would rather upend the world economy and peace in a ketamine bender than go to therapy”
I would never defend Elon, but therapy ain’t for everybody. I gave it a good honest try and my therapist fired me.
Finding a good match isn’t easy but it’s crucial.