My wife, to this day, shuts off the shower and then immediately steps out while water is still running off her soaking wet body, inevitably creating a puddle in the bathroom.
“Honey, why don’t you drip for like five seconds, or even grab the towel and give yourself a quick dab before you get out?”
The first time I told her this she just stared at me for a solid 20s while her brain rebooted. But then her “never admit anything ever under any circumstances” instinct kicked in and she responded “wow are you really policing my shower habits?”
So anyway, now she knows better, but still does it because marriage is about compromise, or something.
I give myself knife hands over my body before going for the towel. Towel stays significantly more dry and I can use it several times before it needs a wash.
I got ridiculed for doing this by my partner. I do it very quickly and vigorously, it just makes a ton of sense to me; I end up being dry faster and more efficiently than going straight to the towel.
Sometimes it’s okay to tell your partner to go fuck themselves.
Just give them a vibrator/fleshlight, same message but more constructive.
I can use it several times before it needs a wash.
Look at this guy over here, washing his towels.
This is it, my least favorite comment chain today
alt-text: relevant Dilbert
That’s how you fuck up your towel mushroom harvest.
The good ol’ hand squeegee
I just shake like a dog for a good 10 seconds.
I’ve done this for years!
Why does your towel need to be washed more often if it gets wetter?
The water coming off your body is pretty clean (you just showered).
Things like to grow on wet stuff. Even if you’re clean, wet towels will start to grow things and get an odor. The quicker the towel gets dry the quicker it doesn’t grow stuff.
IMO it matters more how long it has been since you last washed it, not how wet it was. It also depends a lot more on the climate. A wet and humid client will be worse than a house with central heating in the winter, where things are notoriously dry.
I squeegee my whole body with my hands before stepping out
I call it knife hands.
Me too! No pools of water on the floor, no wet towel after 1 shower.
Me too. At least my head if not everything.
It’s a good thing she’s not single, I would hate being in a relationship with your wife!
Thank you for your service, OP
Anyone whose first instinct is to get defensive when offered good faith advice… yeah keep em away from me
Yeah but this guy could be a controlling asshole who follows her around all day laying down “life hacks”.
We just don’t know.
I dry myself completely while still in the shower and it’s a mystery to me why not everybody is doing this.
Because sometimes I leave the towel hanging on the door hook :')
Ok? And?
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Think dripping all over the floor the farther the towel is from the shower :)
Am I the only one who lays a towel out on the floor in front of the shower? This thread has me thinking what I thought was standard practice might not be.
Yes, because other people have bath mats…
Which you then need to keep clean and replace. Using a towel is smarter, but some people just love putting unnecessary rugs everywhere.
- Hang towel over shower screen.
- Shower.
- Turn off water.
- Wipe water off body.
- Towel dry.
A (very smart and educated) girlfriend once told me it was so smart how I actually dry off my body with the towel instead of just wrap myself and wait for myself to dry naturally. We only have 4 limbs.
G7gyvcfuh vgyufdgvggg ggy
me too
Excellent username! I needed a reminder that losing is Fun™️ this morning.
She reminds me of my 3rd ex wife.
“I am dumbass, quit soaking the bathroom.”
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Oh shit, I do that too! Never occurred to me to stand there and drip for a minute. 😅
I do this out of habit
That’s a really shitty way to talk about your partner.Is this supposed to be funny or something? I’m neurodivergent and can’t tellYep, has a humorous tone for sure. Don’t worry, this guy doesn’t hate his wife.
If anything, this guy is describing a healthy relationship. You don’t have to have a discussion where you share your heart and feelings about every issue. That’s exhausting having to learn and grow all the time.
Imagine a friend that you joke around and are comfortable with. You would say “fuck you, I’ll drip wherever I want. You’re just mad because you have no drip.” That’s a healthy relationship.
At the same time, sometimes it’s good to say “yeah, your way might be better.” Of course, I’m single, so take my comment with a grain of salt.
Lul damn that’s a good comeback at the end there.
That’s best friend energy alright. Or, perhaps, a loving sibling energy
Only in Kentucky and Alabama.
Minus the witnessing eachother dry off after a shower.
This comment has it all. This is Lemmy.
Ya know what? I was getting a bit frustrated by the reaction to this, but this genuinely brightened my night. I… don’t get people sometimes, but I do enjoy this place.
someone can totally love their partner and still find some of the stuff they do infuriating.
also my oldest kid did this. it’s infuriating! (but i love him.)
Sure, that’s exactly what your comment history seems to imply. You are not using it as an excuse at all (even if you are)
Really shitty? This is mildly shitty at worst IMO.
Fair enough
Bashing your partner is a really popular form of humor, unfortunately. The older sitcoms for example are full of it. It gets appreciated not because it’s great humor but because it’s a form of coping with the issues, for both the one making the joke and the ones laughing.
There’s an episode of The Office where Pam and Jim are trying to make Dwight think he’s in The Matrix, so they keep arranging “glitches.” Pam trains a cat to walk past Dwight’s door and then around to repeat it. As they’re telling the camera about it, Jim says “Why didn’t we just get two black cats?” and Pam looks at him with the expression I imagine this guy had with his girlfriend.
So I may be incredibly high right now, but I’ve watched all of The Office at least 5 times now and this scene sounds entirely unfamiliar to me. Is it a deleted scene or something? Because that shit sounds hilarious and I’d love to see it.
Yes they released it when they moved the series to peacock, I didn’t know either. Enjoy your surprise new office content
And thats what we call gaslighting!
Very cool, very funny, very good behavior!
That’s not what gaslighting means
Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality.
Sounds like making someone believe they are in the matrix fits this perfectly but I’m no englishmatologist
It’s about making someone question the validity of their perception of reality. It’s emotional abuse, not simply tricking or lying to someone.
When I was a kid, my parents weren’t gaslighting me when they convinced me the tooth fairy was real by putting money under my pillow and taking the baby teeth. They weren’t making me feel like I couldn’t trust my perception of reality, or that my feelings were invalid.
(Real world example): My best friend as a teenager tried convincing me he wasn’t trying to seduce my girlfriend at the time. He convinced me that my expressions of discomfort with all the “accidental” touching was me being a prude, and when I told him I thought he had ulterior motives trying to hang out with her alone and swim in his pool so often he convinced me that I was being up-tight. Lo and behold, one day in a drug-fueled stupor he admitted to me that he loved her the whole time. Making me feel like I couldn’t trust my own feelings on the matter was gaslighting. Now I have trust issues.
You’re overthinking this a bit, the whole point of the matrix is that our reality is fake. Making someone believe they are in the matrix is to make them question their perception of reality. Making someone question their perception of reality is gaslighting.
I know, I’ve seen The Matrix twice, and you’re still using “gaslighting” wrong.
WebMD: “Gaslighting is an emotionally abusive strategy that causes someone to question their feelings, thoughts, and sanity. If someone gaslights you, they’ll attempt to make you question reality. The purpose of gaslighting is to convince you that you can’t trust your thoughts or instincts.”
The definition you found is frustrating because it’s too vague and easily misinterpretable. If you look at any full explanation you’ll see that the “makes them question their perception of reality” in your definition means it like “undermines their perception of reality”.
The way you and the other guy used it is like when mentally healthy people say they have “OCD”. It’s a watered down buzzword version of a term that’s actually useful for understanding life issues when you actually understand what it means.
When I was about 8 years old my aunt told me she returned a belt to the store because the buckle wouldn’t fit through the belt loops in her pants. I’ll never forget the look on her face when I told her to put it through the other end first.
Bested by an 8 year-old. What utter humiliation.
My wife started a new job a few years ago, and during training she was shown how to create invoices.
- Open the excel template
- Fill inn the items, and the prices
She was completely dumbfounded.
I’m a professor and require students to submit typed homework as either docx or pdf format - a student wrote their paper in Word, took a screenshot of it (including their desktop), then saved the screenshot in pdf format.
It was probably cuz you can’t run plagiarism checks on it.
Yeah I know that one but in this case it was pretty clear it wasn’t plagiarized.
That bad eh
Ocr is a thing, not that hard to get the text back.
Please tell me that you at least showed the student that you can save a word doc as a pdf.
I wouldn’t be surprised someone else wrote it.
I’ve seen pdfs with just a photo of a monitor showing an error message.
I’ve had support tickets with screenshots pasted inside a power point presentation
I wouldn’t equate that to not realising you can let the shower warm up. Not even close.
The programmer in me died when I read #3
The compiler in me died when I read #4
Don’t correct the trainer and reap the benefits, I guess… ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Here’s your arm: \
Ah thanks, I was looking for it everywhere!
The best thing about Excel is the look of hatred you get when using ctrl+; in front of someone who’s been manually entering the date through their entire career.
At least my Excel efficiency just increased.
As an engineer, I hate the way excel handle dates
So, one day I’m hanging out with my friend, and he introduces me to his friend. Middle-aged guy, seems pretty nice, but he’s having a shit day. Why? Because he had to copy something from an email, and he spent about an hour, flipping back and forth between two windows, copying the email into a Word document or something. I was dumbfounded, and I said “Why didn’t you just copy-paste?” The guy stalks off with his head down, muttering under his breath.
My boss will purposely screen shot text he writes so I have to rewrite it and not copy paste… not fun.
You need an OCR tool.
Or a new job with a boss that’s not a wanker.
Or an iPhone with access to the email. Probably a feature on Android too, idk, I’ve been away from modern Android for ~3 years.
Lots of times I’ve realized it’s easier just to take a screenshot (or even a photo of someone else’s phone…did that tonight when my wife was getting a weird error in Netflix) and then copy the text (or just go right to search from the selection).
Google Lens can do OCR since a few years ago I believe
I know everyone complains about Microsoft AI but you can just screenshot text and have it tell you what the text says.
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Now you can use text capture to copy the text from a photo
Text capture saves hours and hours
I use Microsoft PowerToys for that and dozens of other QOL life hacks.
I’m pretty sure that requires admin access to enable though.
That’s when you just screen shot it again and paste the image in where you need it.
I didn’t realize I could dry off with a towel while still standing in the bathtub/shower until I was 26. Now my bathroom floor doesn’t get wet on a daily basis.
The perfect bathmat is one of those brown fibre door mats, the kind people also use to get their car out of the snow. Always feels dry, never slips, and lasts for years.
They’re so pokey, though!
Preal men like scratchy mats. Puts hair on your feet.
I hate when I get hair on my feet
Rub on mat vigorously
No more mat!
No more feet
Or just one that’s more of a rug than a small towel.
Huh, I tried so many of those over the years and always hated the way they feel. Then a few years back, I discovered mats that are more like towels you can throw on the ground but thicker. So much better. The clincher was that I never knew how to clean the mats, but the towel- like ones can go in the wash whenever towels are cleaned
If you put a duck board on the floor then you can put any towel you like on top of it as your mat.
I’m one of the crew that mostly dries off in the shower where water can drain, and I dry each foot as I step out. There’s no need to handle more water.
I’ve used duck boards in outside showers, so I am familiar with them, but I’m not seeing a need inside, especially where we dry off before stepping out of the shower
You can wash a small rug just fine. But the dryer on high heat may damage the backing, so use low heat.
Moss is superior because it feels great on the feet and the water falling off you is a feature instead of a problem.
That’s what bath mats are for…
Ok, but why not leave all the water in the spot that actually has a drain for it?
I believe wet bathrooms have a drain in the middle of the bathroom. This is the way we should build all bathrooms.
Bathrooms should have a floor drain regardless of whether they are of the wet variety. I personally hate the concept of a wet bathroom and the behaviour it encourages. Stuff gets wet that shouldn’t, it just makes everything harder and expands the scope of cleaning while compromising “dry” tasks after someone else has used the shower if they partake in the undisciplined behaviour the design encourages. Also not a fan of all the functions being in one room.
I might be using the term wet bathroom wrong, I just mean the floor should have a drain (and be able to get wet obviously).
I do both. You don’t want to step on a cold floor either.
Because your towel will get wet when drying your feet and such.
No you don’t touch the towel to the shower floor, you do everything but that. Then you step into the mat mostly dry, not cold, not making a mess to finish.
…lift up your feet.
No, they are for the last drops missed while toweling in the shower
After you’ve skimmed the water off, then towel dried inside the shower, the bathmat barely needs to get wet, especially if you step onto your towel when getting out.
That’s why I use ham
I was about 25 years old before I realized I could use warm water to wash my hands in the winter. I’m usually considered a very intelligent individual, but for some reason this never occurred to me. Maybe it’s because I grew up poor and we tried to use as little hot water as possible, or maybe I’m just not as smart as people think I am.
The tree of knowledge is enormous. We’re all bound to miss a thing or two. Most people might not ever come across a situation where they are missing that knowledge or they live their whole lives not realizing. Fuck I wonder how many things I haven’t realized yet?
Fuck I wonder how many things I haven’t realized yet?
Just asking that puts you miles ahead of most people in this thread.
Almost everything I do I try to think of a better way of doing it. All of these things people are saying just seem so thoughtless to me, because … well, they are thoughtless.
If people would think about what they’re doing they’d come to these realizations much, much sooner.
Thank you, SuckMyWang for your input, really insightful
really, though, I’d argue the tree of knowledge is not enormous, but infinite
isn’t there a saying like: “The more you know, the less you know”?
I always wash with cold water, but that’s just because I’m impatient. Unless I’m about to get intimate with my SO, then my hands gotta be warm.
Y’all do know warm water cleans better than cold, no matter the weather, right?
That’s what soap is for. And for a quick 10-20s hand wash, I doubt the temperature matters much. If I was about to do surgery or something, I’d use as hot of water I could tolerate, but if I’m just washing after taking a piss, yeah, not a big deal.
Not really, it just washes the soap off faster.
I think it’s a little more nuanced. If it wasn’t a problem for you then I see no reason to question your intelligence, if it was a big problem and you didn’t see the obvious solution, then I’d be willing to agree with your reasons
Yup, I wash my hands with cold water because waiting for the water to heat up takes as much time as actually washing my hands. I can handle 10-20s or whatever of cold water, but waiting 10s just feels wasteful for a quick hand wash.
Right, I was going to add exactly this. Who has the patience to wait for hot water
Counter point, most of us don’t live in buildings so poorly built that our water takes more than 1-2 seconds to come out hot…
Reminds me of the guy that spent his entire life sitting on the toilet with the seat up because he was told “girls use it with the seat down and boys have the seat up”.
It wasn’t until he got comfortable enough with his partner that when she saw him and asked why he wasn’t sitting on the seat did it even occur to him that he could.
These people must not have parents 🤯
Or they have terrible parents.
It wasn’t until he got comfortable enough with his partner that when she saw him
Unless it’s your kink, most people don’t use the toilet in front of their spouse.
Edit: It sounds like a lot of straight people expel waste in front of their partners.
That doesn’t match my personal experience at all.
Using the toilet with each other present has been a thing in every relationship I’ve been in. And no, at no point was that a kink of either one of us.
Same. I know of no couple in my circle where using the toilet in each others presence is anything else but just plain normal. They all do it.
Edited for clarification, because words = hard
so everyone always locks the door? even if one person needs something from the washroom they would always wait till the other person finishes?
I’m an idiot. I meant the exact opposite and have edited the sentence to make it clear.
Every single couple I know uses the toilet in front of each other.
Why not?
Yes, unless it’s something small that the toilet user can slip under the door
My kid would never tolerate the indignity of waiting until after I was done shitting to tell me a barely parseable half remembered factoid
My wife and I respect each other’s bathroom privacy because it’s simply something we don’t care to see, although she-like nearly all females I know- doesnt know how a door works and can’t close it. We now live in a place where we have separate bathrooms, and it’s awesome.
That’s the exact opposite as my experience.
I am gay and from Canada and I assume you are straight and from Germany?
Maybe it’s a regional thing, or a gay vs straight thing?Canadian here. It’s not regional. My wife and I use the bathroom while the other is present all the time.
I am straight, though, so I can’t comment on that theory.
That’s because your bath and toilet are in the same room. They should be separate.
I was in your team before having kids. It has been a drastic change I had to adapt to :(
An acquaintance was always complaining about how cold the water was when washing dishes. He had never thought to turn on the hot water.
He and his wife were conservative talk show hosts in Indiana, specializing in talking about how stupid liberals are.
Growing up we had a walk in shower, the way it was setup there was no way to reach in and not get hit by cold water. Especially a short kid with short arms, you were getting a full blast cold water trying to go “out” of the shower. The tap was the push-pull type and very difficult to modulate so limiting to low pressure trickle was basically a game of russian roulette. The best I could do was hug the wall and let it only get whatever corner of my body I wanted to sacrifice to temporary hypothermia that morning.
some people have posted photos of showers in modern upscale hotels, walk-in showers that have a hole through the glass for you to stand safe & warm & dry outside, reach through the hole from the outside to turn on the water.
This just seems like the wrong way around… Surely it’s better to build the shower so the water doesn’t go near the tap? Just have the tap off to the side?
Imagine having a sink where the tap was directly underneath the spout.
Putting the tap opposite the shower head could also work. The plumbing would be kind of wonky, though.
That’s an understatement. It would be such a huge pain the ass to plumb that.
Yeah that was definitely a take that forgets that valves are still a mechanical system and the knobs are where they are cause they open and close the flow of water there. I guess you could do electrical systems now but… That’s probably a bad idea for so many reasons.
Yes, the plumber would have to put a few extra bends in the pipe, drill through a couple more studs. I don’t see that as being a big deal. It’s a pretty common thing to see taps that are not directly in line with the shower head.
My friends house had a little spout near the floor in his stand up shower, so you could run the water and test the temperature with your toe. When it was good you pulled the stopper like in a bath and it came out of the shower head.
And all the cold water that has been sitting in the shower pipes since the last shower comes out, pushed by the warm water behind it.
My aunt and uncle had a walk in where the controls were by the door instead of under the shower head. I always thought that was brilliant.
Design > function
This would honestly be a reasonable enough excuse on why the OP was set in his ways from something like this. Once you’re conditioned to something it takes a hold on you. How often does a person really question a habit they learned at a really early age?
An alternative solve is to get a handheld shower head so you can point it away from you while it heats up.
Oh yeah, this was the solution later on. For like kid me? At the time I didn’t know you could even replace the showerhead… :(
My previous place heated up very slowly, so I started saving the cold water in a bucket to water my plants because it felt like a waste
reaching into the oven and screaming as he pulls out the cooking tray
Where did the
sofasoda go?One time I took a pot roast out of the oven and set it on the stove. I turned around to grab something and looked back and thought, no, that needs to be scooted up a bit, and proceeded to grab the handle of the pan that had been out of the oven for all of 4 seconds with my bare hand.
That hurt.
I’ve done that with a cast iron. I had to go to the hospital. Same exact thing.
Use mitt. Put on stove. Take off mitt.
3 seconds later,Need to adjust, forget mitt.
Grab handle fully. Palm, thumb, fingers. Aghhhhhh
Cry a little bit. Soak in water pitcher.
Drive to hospital with hand in pitcher.
So I just always turn the oven mitt around after I set it on the stove and put it over the handle as a reminder that it’s hot
I have burned myself in so many random ways around the kitchen, but this is a nice visual reminder to everyone who might not know that this pan is probably pretty hot still
Right but apparently the surface of my brain is as smooth as the cooking surface of my cast iron.
I probably should have gone to urgent care.
I did not. I put some creme on it, screamed, and held on to cold sodas all night
Well I got some painkillers, and luckily don’t have addiction issues so they really helped
Autocorrect got me
Oh my god I have to watch this tonight
I remember in first or second grade when I realized that, when I made a mistake, I didn’t have to erase the whole word and I could just erase the part I messed up.
I can’t do that. If I mess a word up the whole thing is dead.
Same for passwords. If I feel I missed a key, in deleting the whole thing and starting it over
Oooh, the password thing totally gets me. Usually I have to start over because I don’t know where I messed up. I type them in too damn fast and by the time the little brain part that’s monitoring things says, “Hey, that one key was wrong,” I’m ten characters beyond and wasn’t counting anyway, so I have to start over.
Yeah I might be a weirdo. I count the dots to where I was still comfortable assuming the password was correct until, delete to there, and finish the password again and pretty much always works.
Yeah, my hands on a keyboard can’t spell words, they just muscle-memory them. One spelling error and I have to erase amd rewrite the entire word.
I’m sorry what?
Yeah you should try it next time, it’s a game changer.
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I used to have these small faux pas lead to tension and eventually the loss of relationships.
One day I was complaining to my zen teacher about one of these instances and he suggested I apologize for it.
He said “That’s called ‘make mistake, correct mistake’” (I think he made up the saying on the spot for me).
Now some twelve years later I’m still reminding myself that I can just correct my mistakes.
Thankful not to be a medieval monk and having to throw away the whole page / scroll when you make a mistake
A friend of mine told me a story once about an intern that was tasked with writing a text. She delivered one page of text and was told to write more. She asked how. She didn’t know that you could write more than one page in Word.
What year was this?
No, I could se this… Fill up a full page and then it jumps to the next, blank page. If she can’t see that the first page exists, she may have thought she just erased all her work by typing one too many keys.
Source: I work in IT and pretty sure I’ve seen exactly this. Lot’s of flavors to the human experience, lemetellyou.
Oh, way into the 2000s.
So, like, 2024? That’s how far they go as of now
Hm, maybe 2010 or so?
Even if that was the case was she too stupid to think of starting a new document?
Someone on Reddit once said they didn’t realize the white part of your finger nails are where it’s unconnected to your skin, and they’d just clip wherever, and often bleed because they’d clip the skin.
Nah, I almost spit out my coffee